A Night Fury?

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"Oh Thor."

Hiccup stares at the dragon, partly entranced and partly terrified.

"A Night Fury."

This is the first time Hiccup has seen one up close, but somehow, he knows his eyes don't deceive him.

"A real Night Fury."

He watches as the NightFury leaps away from the claws of the Nightmare and his mouth glows bright purple. "What the..." Hiccup starts quietly but then the Night Fury shoots, barely missing the Nightmare. A warning shot. The Titanwing clearly gets the message. He scampers quickly away, his pride having been greatly wounded. Now, the Night Fury is in plain view for Hiccup to see. Its pupils are narrowed down to slits in its green eyes as it watches the other dragon run away. Ridges run down its back and two tail fins are on its tail. Each tooth glitters dangerously as he bares his teeth. His whole body is sleek black, as black as the night sky. No wonder no one has been able to shoot it down. Hiccup watches the dragon with interest. If he were any other crazy viking on Berk, he might've tried to take it down. But, he wasn't. He was Hiccup, the weakest​ viking on Berk. And he knew the chance of taking down a Night Fury, even if it was tired from battling the Nightmare, was most likely going to end with his own death. Plus, his mother would be furious with him if he killed a dragon, especially one as rare as a Night Fury. So, instead Hiccup quietly starts to back away.

He doesn't look where he is going and steps on a branch. The loud snap that results echoes across the forest. His face pales as the Night Fury turns to him, pupils narrowing down to even smaller slits. They stare at each other, Hiccup staying as still as possible. Then, the  Night Fury shoots and Hiccup barely dodges the blast. Both are off before you can say "dragons". Hiccup runs as fast as he can with the Night Fury close behind him, not quite flying, but still not quite running. Remembering his father's axe, Hiccup decides to find a safe place to hide it. And yes, right now he was more worried about the axe getting damaged than his life. He remembers a cove close to where he is at, so he heads towards it. Thankful, for once, for having plenty of practice running away from the villagers, he weaves through the trees. A clearing appears before him with a rocky crater in the center. He squeezes into a hole on the side and, sliding through a crack, he thanks Thor that he is so skinny. He skids the rest of the way into the cove and hides the axe behind a clump of rocks. Hearing a thump behind him, Hiccup slowly turns around. The Night Fury had just landed in the cove and was steadily approaching him.

Later, Hiccup would wonder what went through his head because at that moment, he made a mad dash for the lake in the center of the cove. The Night Fury, startled by his actions, doesn't move until Hiccup is already in the water. Under the water, Hiccup attempts to hold his breath as the black shape looks above him. Eventually, he must've decided that Hiccup wasn't worth it because he then flies off into the distance. Hiccup resurfaces once he knows that the Night Fury is gone and takes big gulps of air. Shivering, he gets out of the water. Mom's going to kill me. He thinks, grabbing the bag containing the axe. He hurries back to the town, careful to try and avoid attracting any extra attention. Luckily, he is able to slip into his mother's house without anyone noticing his arrival back into town.

Grabbing a new set of dry clothes, he hurries to get dressed. Hearing the front door open and close, he shoves his wet clothes and his father's axe under his bed and runs out to see his mother walking inside the house. She is a tall, sturdy woman and one of the best warriors despite her gender. She had let her brown hair fall loosely around her shoulders instead of her usual ponytail. Her green eyes reflected Hiccup's; strong, steady, and a little bit of nervousness. "Hey mom!" Hiccup says with forced cheerfulness. "How was your day?"

Valka looks at him accusingly. "Ok Hiccup, what did you do?"

"Me?" Hiccup asks. His treacherous voice is a higher octave than usual. "What? I don't know what your talking about." Valka continues to raise an eyebrow and Hiccup decides to refrain from mentioning he was almost killed by a NightFury. "Well, I mean I was just... practicing! For the tournament tomorrow!"

"Mmmhm?" Valka sighs. "Well, if you don't want to tell me, I won't press." She puts a hand on his shoulder and pushes him lightly. "Go get some rest. You have a big day tomorrow."

Hiccup nods his head, only half listening to what she was saying. He realizes that he was tired and felt the need to plop onto his bed for a good, long nights sleep. "'Night mom..."

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