Chapter 1

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She took a bite of her hot dog and chewed slowly. Her gaze fixed on the man pacing outside the fast food center, eyes darting back and forth as if trying to make up his mind. It seemed as if he was wrestling with something and wasn't sure of what to do next. He had his hood up and he wore a cap that almost obscured his eyes from her.

Her eyes trailed down to his hands which were safely tucked into his pockets, his fingers imprints suggesting he was rubbing his right hand against something. She frowned and stood up just as the man outside turned his walk determined as he began making his way towards the restaurant.

Increasing her pace, she purposefully bumped her shoulder hard into him as she walked out. She prayed her plan worked. As she anticipated, the man stumbled back and fell. A gun fell out of his pockets and ricocheted off the side of the pavement. To her relief the safety was still on so it didn't go off.

The people who were eating on the tables outside and watching the commotion all gasped in shock and fear with one or two screaming. That was the desired effect she was depending on as people began to scramble all over the place, some running in the other direction and others towards the gunman.

The man, who she believed was called Phil, dragged himself up and ran away like a spooked animal not even bothering to pick up his fallen cap. He was just a petty criminal but a criminal nonetheless who was willing to point a gun at innocent people for his own selfish reasons. Her lips twisted in disgust.

Spotting a cop who ran towards where she was, she knew it was time to leave. Covering her head with her hood she walked off, whistling a soft tune as she disappeared into the midst of bustling people.

As she neared her apartment her eyes settled on a young boy crying at her steps. She stopped in her tracks as past memories flooded back into her unguarded mind dragging her down a dark hole.


She listened as her aunt talked with the doctor outside.

"She's recovering well. She just needs a stable environment, where she can forget all this" the doctor said softly.

Her aunt nodded her head and turned towards the slightly open door. Why didn't my sister just take you along with her? I already have to support four children. Why did she have to add you to that as well?

She stared at the only family she had left. Her heart hurt and she wanted to cry at the thought of not being wanted by anyone. Her mother was dead. Her aunt, despite her words to the doctor really didn't want her. The only two people who ever wanted and loved her were now gone. Heartbroken, she turned on her side, facing away from her aunt and sobbed.

Flashback ends

She stared wordlessly at the boy until her feet propelled her forward but she paused when a woman ran past her straight to the boy.

"Where were you? I was looking for you everywhere," she said as she kissed and hugged the boy. "Mommy was so worried. Don't ever go anywhere without telling me, okay?"

The boy nodded a huge smile on his face as his mother wiped away his tear stained cheeks.

She gazed at mother and child with a look of pain filled longing. She missed her mom so badly. So many years have gone by but the wound in her heart was still too fresh making her unable to forget.

A lone tear slid slowly down her cheek as she trudged up to her apartment and went in.


"Tell me again what happened. From the beginning, Mrs. Higby" Gunner said for the fifth time. He was taking the statements of witness's.

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