jenny schecter, maybe triggering one shot. hopefully not.

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*jenny schecter* --}}oops wrote a poem about jenny. Maybe triggering idk. Her storyline fucks me up every time.
'unstable, damaged, vulnerable.
Hurt, lost, irrational.
That's how she feels all the time,
no matter how much she smiles and says she's fine.
Passionate, forward, intelligent,
Courageous, loving, secure..
Those are things she lives to be
Things she needs to be able to see
Though her insecurities get the best of her
Her demons love coming out to play
The only way to keep them away
Is to cut and hurt and dream of another day
To pretend she's not scared
To pretend she's on the right path
She does that in front of everyone else
But can't keep it up when she's by herself
But all her insecure thoughts bring her back to the pain
Back to the memories, of all her childhood drizzly rein
The bad circus, the denying, that her family couldn't accept
Couldn't talk about, couldn't admit, couldn't even see she was that upset
She feels regret, madness and impossible sadness
Like she's stuck in a see through house
Just remembering all the things she can't handle she feels foul
Looking out at everyone yelling for any help to come
But they just keep on walking and ignoring not even glancing back
Silence from her family when she tries to get her head around it
But its fucked her up more and now she feels the most of it
They don't understand what not talking about it did to her
She feels like she wasn't even loved or worth it
No one sticks by her even now they all have left
So she cuts herself.. Because seeing the blood drop from her arm
Makes her feel okay, like her inside pain isn't just fake or made up
Like she's not crazy
Not attention seeking just a cry for help
Help for someone who is too scared to reach out
Because no one has shown her any stability, safety or way out.
Seeing the blood drip, she can feel its real..
At least she has a 'real' reason to try and heal.
When Shane found her, jenny realised what she was doing
Shane was like an angel looking out for her
Never knowing that it would end up being the death of her.
Shane tried so hard, jenny saw it..
That's why she called shane her family,
She didn't have to hide it, Shane saved her life
But everything just became too much
Jenny felt like she was out of control and she was
But she didn't know how not to be
Or how to communicate it.
She really tried her best, but in the end
Her best was never enough.
Even roughly out of her mind
Jenny was like a sweet child, stuck in her own nightmare
She was never that tough.
Nice, sensitive or enough.'

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