alice pieszecki one shot

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As Alice slowly walked up that dreaded hall to get back to her broken best friend she could feel something was wrong.. she looked through the window and took a deep breath. after a doctor told her that Dana had passed away while she was gone she felt her whole world collapse. "you are my sunshine.. my only sunshine." As she fell onto the wall and slid down it, Alice set off her little present and the flower started singing that song. "You  make me happy when skies are grey." But she had never felt so unhappy, so destroyed.. she COULDNT live without Dana, she was her love and her best friend.. she /just/ couldn't!
She had never cried so hard in that moment she couldn't even find the energy to lift herself up, she just laid letting the wall hold her. Imagining that the cold feel of the wall was Dana's cold body, holding her. Dana's skin always felt cold, especially when she got sick. It was as if Alice's bones just weren't there.. she was jelly.  Tears falling so fast down the sides of her face. "You'll never know how much I love you" then a surge of anger filled her body, like electricity. Why did she have to leave her? Why couldn't she have just stayed in that hospital? She didn't need a break, if anyone needed a break it was Dana, Alice felt so so angry at herself that she wasn't there for Dana's last breath, she wasn't there to hold her hands, she wasn't there to reassure Dana that she would be okay.. SHE WASN'T THERE! "So please don't take my sunshine away."
In just that half an hour, her life, her sunshine really was gone, it was as if Alice felt like she was the flower.. begging anything not to take Dana away from her, but it wasn't enough. She was hysterically crying, sobbing, feeling like she was dying.. but how selfish of her to feel that way when the love of her life was really dying and dead. She was really gone and Alice felt so alone. It was unfair, it was hard.. something she will never forgive herself for. She was sitting on n a bench enjoying the outside as much as her head was letting her and Dana was dying.  Dana deserved the world, she didn't deserve to get what was coming her way. Alice  never believed in god but in that second she did, she prayed that he would protect her. He would make sure that she was okay. At the same time she was cursing him, if there really was a god.. Why did he take such an amazing person. How could he let someone as great as  Dana die.. ALONE. Why did such a great person have to leave this earth, the thought Alice in reality couldn't even accept. /I LOVED HER/ Was all she could think, all she could repeat, all she knew, all she would ever need.

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