After I knew she was deep asleep, I grabbed some rope and tied her hands and feet together. I was prepared for her to wake up and start screaming but it never came. She stayed sound asleep. Finally after two more hours, she began to stir. Once she realized the situation she was in, she began to panic and try to untie herself. She looked over at me in disbelief.

"Why are you doing this? I did nothing to you! Do you understand that!? Nothing!" She began moving against the ropes but was not able to free herself.

"I'm sorry, Jessabel."

The next three hours of the ride were quiet. She didn't speak or look in my direction, not that I expected her to. Some conversation would be nice though. I was driving myself crazy with talking to no one but myself.

Finally she spoke up and I sighed in relief. "Where are we going?"

I turn to look at her, she looked so beautiful. Her hair was darker than any black I'd ever seen. Yet I couldn't help but find her familiar. "Just relax."

She laughed. "Relax? You're kidding. Is that what you tell every girl you kidnap? Relax? Tell me, Henry... How the fuck am I supposed to relax when I've been abducted?"

"I don't know."

"Where are you taking me? What's going to happen to me?" She looks over and I can feel her scanning me.

"Have you heard of the recent abductions happening in your city?"

She stares at me in shock. "Recently? This has been going on for years but the police says nothing about it unless the person is important or there was witnesses. They like to cover everything up like nothing is wrong with the world."

Her anger suprises me. "Do you think there is something wrong with the world?"

Now her anger is directed at me. "You're fucking kidding. Yes, I do. You're kidnapping me, do you think that's okay?"

I stare at the road. "I have my reasons."

"Oh, I fucking bet. What are they, hmm?"

After not having someone to talk to, I let it out. "My daughter." Jessabel pauses and looks more surprised than angry now. "She's sick and needs medication all the time."

"Why?" She asks, quietly.

"Her heart is weak. The medication keeps her stable but I don't know how much longer the medication will hold. Doctors say soon she is going to need a transplant or she'll die. I don't want my daughter to die. I need the money. It was only supposed to be drugs in the beginning which helped with the medicine but then she needed more and more just to keep her alive and I didn't have that kind of money." My voice cracks at the end and I stop talking.

"That doesn't give you the right to do this. You're abducting young girls into a life of misery. You have a daughter. How would you feel if someone did that to her?" Her anger seems to be rising again but not in full force.

"I'm keeping my daughter out of this."

"What about your wife? Where is she? She could have helped you raise money."

My stomach sinks at the mention of Nicole. "She's dead."


"I didn't get the job done in time and he killed her."

She perked up at this. "Who's he?"

"The person I work for." I curse myself for saying too much. Then again, she'll be someone elses problem soon.

"You do realize you are setting your daughter up for the same thing. What's going to happen when you don't find someone in time? They are going to kill her too. It will be your fault. You people don't realize that you just bring destruction everywhere you go."

JessabelWhere stories live. Discover now