Chapter Three

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A/N: First things first this story or chapter in no way depicts my thoughts or views. I Do Not stand for violence against woman or believe in being in a abusive relationship

This story is purely fictional.

It gets worst before it gets better. Please have patients with me :-D


"Girl where have you been? I've been calling and messaging you like mad! Bitch you couldn't reply atleast once?" this was Kay rambling on in my ears. "I was so worried about your ass hag! What happened?!" she asked. Kay was my only friend that really knew what i was going through.

I sighed and said " Kay he was at it again" and bursted into tears.

I felt so broken. Her face mirrored mine before it took on that no emotion look and she replied " See I told you let me eat that nigga food long time". Even through tears i had to laugh because i know that this bitch was serious.

Sniffing I said " Girl hush! I can't afford to lose you. If you kill him and go to jail who will I have then?"

She thought about it for a minute and replied " Yeah I can't see myself being anybodys bitch, especially a butch doing time. Although that would mean alot of tongue action for my over active kitty". I squawked where i laughed so hard. My girl always knows how to make my heavy situation light

After composing myself we decieded to go for coffee (I'm addicted).

When we got to the coffee shop we once again had to wait on 'our' table. As we got seated Kay started telling me about the latest guy she was presently seeing. " I can't help it if i like nice things and he wants to spoil me Karma. I'll just have to accept it" she said grinning from ear to ear. All i did was shake my head. My bitch was just down right bad. But i loved her all the same.

While we was drinking our coffee Kay asked " So did you hear from Jai? I mean did he call?". I was totally caught off guard cause with all the drama I had going on in my life I didn't once think about him.

"No" I answered her. "Girl I gave him my number if he wanted to call or talk he would have done it by now but he hasn't (smt). I aint feeling no type weight. He just another nigha" I said and we dropped the conversation.

As we sat talking about random things and just enjoyin each others company, in walked Matt. From a distance he looked like he couldn't kill a fly but underneath I knew what lurked. He slowly mad his way to our table stopping for a few seconds to hail a guy that he must have knew. It was then that I saw both guys look in our direction, Matt nodded his head and the guy smiled and nodded his head back. I got a bad feeling in the pit of my stomach.

"Good Afternoon ladies" Matt greeted us as he stood above our table. Kay who was to busy looking in her phone mumbled a reply before looking up. When she did realize who it was you could have seen the anger on her face.

"Girl I can't deal with this shit today, imma move through call me later" she said with sympathy and sorrow written all on her face. 'Bitch ass pussy ass douch bag really want me catch a charge' she mumbled while brushing past Matt.

"Please don't" I whispered

"Please don't what baby" he asked almost soundind like the Matt I once knew. " That gentlemam over there thinks your real pretty" he continued "when he gets up and leave you follow him and do as he says. Do i make myself clear" he asked like i was a five year old.

I looked at him with crocodile tears in my eyes ready to spill "I thought you said you loved me Matty" I said using my old nick name for him "how could you love me and do me like this?". His face instantly turned hard. He leaned on the table an whispered menacingly " Either you deal with him or you deal with me".

As i followed the guy i knew i was being followed. He came to this old run down house just a few blocks away and went inside leaving the door crack for me to enter. Before I entered I looked around to see Matt standing a few houses down. He looked at me and nodded. I sighed and closed the door.

When i entered fully into the house I noticed the guy from the coffee shop was already sitting on a old raggy chair bald naked and fully aroused. ' Take off your clothes' he said. I shook my head 'Please I'll pay you your money back. I'll even double it' I begged. 'No i want you. Now take off your clothes' he growled. I slowly began taking off my shoes and unbuttoning my jeans.

Just as my jeans hit the floor he was already in front of me breathing his hot breath on my neck. 'Take off the rest'. 'I can't' I said with my body trembling. At hearing this he became enraged. He threw me against the wall and ripped my pantied and in the blink of an eye he was in me pounding away vigorously, panting like a dog mumbling all type foul in my ears.

I tried my hardest to get him off me but that only made him angrier he slapped me across the face so hard that i saw stars and placed his hand over my mouth stopping me from screaming and continued to pound in me like a jack hammer violating my body. When he was through he withdrew from me and i just fell to the floor and wept.

I felt used, violated and unclean. I just wanted to crawl somewhere and die.

Welcome to my world K.A.R.M.A's World.




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