6. Accept or not?

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"So what kind of class meeting is this?" Jared asked me as we took a seat on the very top of the senior section of the gym.

"Well we are going to talk about what we will be doing thru out the school year also we are going  to talk about homecoming and what usually is most important we are going to elect president, vice president, treasurer, and secretary. " I told Jared.

"Who can run for the election?" Jared asked no one in practicular.

"Pretty much everyone can, but this year we are doing something  different. " Austin answered this time.

"How?" Jared asked confussed.

"Well this year us seniors are going to have our name on that big round sphere in the center of the gym, and infront of the whole school the principle will take a name from each sphere. They are four spheres in total and each one their is everyone of the seniors name once and who evers name the principle pulls out will be asked if they want to be what ever they were choosen for or not." I told Jared.

"Oh okay that will be fun." Jared said in a kind of silly tone.

"Hello cougars or should I say Class of 2016!" The principle Mr. Johnson said.

" Well as you may have known we will elect your class president, vice president, treasurer, and secretary.  We will have four spheres as you can see down here and every seniors name is in each sphere once." Mr. Johnson said.

"Know every sphere is lable president, vice president, treasurer, and secretary. After that I will ask whoevers name is written on the paper if they accept or not." Mr. Johnson finished saying.

" Okay so lets begin. Mrs. Kim could you pull out the first paper out?" Mr. Johnson asked Kim.

"Yes sir and the lucky person to become the president of Class of 2016 is..." Kim began to say.

" Nadia Garcia would you come down here please." Kim said. I was making my way down and to the center of the gym everyone was looking at me I felt weird.

"The nexy person to be selected as vice president will be..." Kim said digging her hand into the small papers in the sphere.

" Jared Cortez would you come down here please. " Jared made his way to the center of the gym and was standing beside me.

"Next person to be selected as treasurer will be Austin Henderson would you come down here please." Kim asked. Austin was was making his way down and all the girls were just checking him out. They always do this to Jared and now it was Austin and Jared wow.

"Finally the last person to be selected as the secretary of Class of 2016 will be..." Kim began to say.

"Meagan Jones will you come down here please." Kim said. Meagan was one of my best friends and I was glad that he was chosen.

"Know this is not official they have to accept if they want to be what they got choosen as or not." Mr. Johnson told us.

"First up Nadia do you accept being president of your class? Class of 2016 or not?" Mr Johnson asked me.

"I.. I.. I accept." I told him.

"Jared do you accept being Vice president of your class? Class of 2016? " Mr. Johnson asked him.

"I accept." Jared told him.

"Austin do you accpet to be treasurer of your class? Class of 2016?" Mr. Johnson asked him.

"I accept." Austin told him.

"Know last but not least Meagan do you accept being secretary of your class? Class of 2016?" Mr. Johnson asked her.

"Yes I accept. " Meagan said I whispered a Thank you to her atleast she didn't left me here by myself.

"Well this will be your class officers of this year your last year CLASS OF 2016!!!!!"Mr. Johnson said in a way to excited tone.

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