12. A Huge Mistake

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******* Nadia’s P.O.V.*********

Why would my mate and my best friend do this to me?  I thought that Meagan was going to help me make Jared realize that we were both shocked about this, and me and Jared were going to be back and date and let everyone know that we are mates. I heard someone knock on the door I hurried and clean my eyes because I was crying. I didn’t realize that I was crying until I opened my eyes and felt the tears come down my eyes.

 “Who is it?” I asked.

“It’s me Meagan I have something to tell you.” Meagan told me.

“Come in.” I told her still mad at her and Jared.

“Nadia… I…I’m sorry for doing this. Listen I told Jared that this wasn’t going to work if we… I mean I’m sorry that I took your mate, but you have Austin so why cry for Jared.” Meagan told me. I’m so confuse right know.

“Meagan what did you mean with what you just told me.” I asked Meagan. 

"Well I don't know if I should tell you I promised Jared that I wouldn't tell you." Meagan replied to me.

"Tell me know Meagan as your Luna and best friend tell me. " I told her in a firm voice. 

"Okay but promise me that you won't tell Jared about this because then he will be mad at me and he will not ask me for help anymore. Trust me you would prefer to have him ask me for help than any other person." Meagan told me worry.

"Okay I promise you that I will not tell Jared and you are right I do trust you more than anyone else plus you are my best friend, but I'm still hurt about what you and my "mate" did to me." I told Meagan a hint of hurt in my words.

"Okay well Jared asked me to help him get you back. As in he want to date you and have what really is his and not my brothers." Meagan told me and yeah Meagan and Austin are brothers they are twins. 

"Well honestly I don't think that it is true why would he ask you out? Why would he say that he is mate less?" I told Meagan.

"Look I'll just tell you this. Jared loves you and not me. If he wanted me to tell you that we are dating is to try to get you with him. How will it work I don't know. Maybe jealousy and that way you will tell everyone that Jared is your mate. Probably but honestly I don't know. Well I'll see you tonight." Meagan told me. I could feel that their was hurt in her words because she would never try to hurt me. She is my sister. I will have to trust her with my mate and like she said I won't tell Jared otherwise he will probaly try to get help somewhere else. 

I heard a knock on  my just when I was about to sleep I still have and hour and half to spare. Ugh who could it be know? 

"Who is it?" I asked still laying down on my bed because today has been a long day. 

"It is me Jared can I come in?" Jared asked me unsure if he should of asked me or not.

"Yeah sure come in." I told him sitting down on my bed and fixing my dress.

"Hey." Jared said

"Hey. Um what do you want I mean? I don't mean to sound rude but I was just about to take a nap." I told him.

"Well i wanted to say that I"m sorry for what I did and said." Jared told me.

"Okay well i can forgive but never forget." I told him.

"Yeah Meagan told me that." Jared said scratching the back of his neck.

"Okay well is that all?" I asked him.

"Um yeah I guess. Wait umm... Nadia." Jared told me

"Yes?" I asked him.

"You have something right here." Jared said pointing at the corner of my lip.

"IS it off?" I asked him.

"NO here let me see." That was when I felt his warm lips kiss mine. We fit perfectly. His lips with mine were the best feeling ever. I could feel the sparks to begin flowing betwee us. I threw my arms around his neck and kept on kissing him. It felt good it is the best thing that has happen to me today. I wish that we didn't have to hide but I didn't want to ruin this moment with all this stuff.

"Hey Nadia we are..." Ciera burst into my room and me and Jared jumped.

"Sorry I'll leave you two don't worry you guys still have more than enough time to meet us downstairs." Ciera said. 

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