Chapter 3: Farewells

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This will be Lindsay Troffler!!! It's gonna be Taylor Swift!!! Look at the side pls...

On with the story!! 


Chapter 3: Farewells

We headed up the steel steps in front of us, still feeling the coldness that the steel walls are emanating. Our shoes made a clank-clank sound as we made our way into 2 flights of stairs. Mom carried a crying Jason while dad kept facing front. Jason is crying because he must have thought that the coldness was coming from a ghost nearby. Such a baby.

After what seemed to be forever and my legs are starting to give in beneath me, we reached the first floor that was indicated by a big shiny black number 1 on the wall. I breathed a sigh of relief and said "I haven't gotten my body in shape this past summer."

We continued into a brightly lit hallway with cream walls. It was like a hotel hallway where the bell boys and room service maids pass through. That makes sense because before this was converted into the top hide out of the company, this was an ordinary 5 star hotel so it's kinda cozy in here. But instead of bell boys and room service maids, agents and scientists roam the hallways.

As we pass by, people are too busy to stare so I do all the staring. I missed this place so much that I can't believe I'm back in it again. At the end of the hallway was an elevator. We occupied it alone and dad pressed the button for the 4th floor.

"What floor are we gonna drop you and Jason again?" Dad asked. He seriously need some memory boost.

"I'm gonna drop Jason off to the fifth. By the way, why did you guys come back if you already have your assignments?" I asked questioningly.

"We needed to claim our fake I.D.s and passports." Mom replied while Jason sagged into her arms, fast asleep. Mom really has that certain motherly instinct with children. They always feel comfortable with her. At one time when I was 3, I had a friend in the neighborhood named James. We used to have fun together. Mom used to cradle him up in her arms that is, until his family disappeared from their house 2 years after. They disappeared so mysteriously and quietly that the whole neighborhood was startled by it. They sent search parties everywhere and even dad and mom and the other neighbors to trace them but they didn't show.

Ding! The bell sounded softly but it felt really loud through the quiet elevator. "This is our stop." Mom said, tearing up again because this might be the longest possible time that we are going to be separated. I pulled everyone into a family hug and we all grasp each other tightly. Then mom and dad kissed me and Jason lightly on the forehead and pressed the open button on the elevator.

The door swung open and they stepped into the carpeted hallway.

"Well, this is our stop." Mom repeated shakily.

"Good luck." I whispered but somehow they were able to hear. Well, they're not spies for nothing you know!

"You too, honey." Dad said.

And with that, I pressed the closed button and the doors swung over their faces which was marked with sadness and hurt. I can even imagine mom breaking down in the hallway and weeping. As I thought of that, I released a breath I never knew I held and started to let out the sob that was in my throat before. I was able to be still and just let the tears flow and my shoulder shake. I have to handle it now. Then, I composed my face when Jason and I reached his floor. The doors swung open and I stepped into the coolness of the air conditioning unit in the fifth floor.

It was unusually cold here because kids like it in very cold rooms so they can snuggle better with each other or a sitter in charge. I was holding Jason with my right hand and we moved our way silently through the hallway. He let me lead and we turned left and saw a glass wall with open doors. The podium where they were supposed to be accepting children was empty so we went inside the nursery.

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