Chapter 7: Him

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Juniper Monroe will be Miley Cyrus!!! Look to the side..... 

On with the story!!!!


Chapter 7: Him

The boy entered and let Ms. Aldrine sign his slip. Somehow he looked familiar. They were talking and Ms. Aldrine blushed. I wonder what's all that about. Then, as he was about to go to his seat, Ms. Aldrine stopped him and requested to introduce himself in front of everybody. Great! He got an introduction and I didn't. Not that I want to have one. Because I really don't.

Fine, I want to do it too.

I'm just excited in my new school and I'm not such a leave-me-alone-I-want-to-sulk-by-myself. I'm the average kind. The one who gets elected as an officer sometimes. The one who has celebrity crushes. But never the one who can have a normal life.

I know, it IS a little bit melodramatic, but true. The boy stood in front of the table as Ms. Aldrine continues to stare intently at him. Then, as if she told herself, she stopped and fumbled with the papers on her desk. Let me tell you that he isn't that cute that even your English Lit. teachers will hyperventilate when you see him. I really saw his face before. Someone familiar. Then, my light bulb lit and it just came. He looked like

James Knightley.

That's it! His green piercing eyes, that brown hair and the bone structure of the face (yeah, I know. My observation skills as a kid are pretty amazing) said it all. All I need is to know what his name is.

"My name is " He started. Come on, say it! Say James!

I've been looking everywhere for him. That's why I also want to travel--to search for my long lost bestfriend. I don't know why but the feeling of longing is always there. The need to have him by me is so strong that I cry secretly sometimes. I don't know why, but I know it isn't just a simple crush.

Then he said it. He said

"Luke Brice."

What a day! This isn't happening! I really thought it was him! The eyes, the EVERYTHING! And I seldom get wrong. Luke Brice? Come on! I wanted to shout all day to express my disappointment. I mean. What the heck? I was really sure, like 99.9% sure. Well, ofcourse there is the 0.1% of him not being James, but still.

I let out a gust of wind to level my disappointment and not to cry. Why am I being such a crybaby? Stop it, Cass!!!

He walked down the aisle and sat on the only empty chair, beside Juniper. Ha! you thought beside me, right? Well, not exactly. Word got around that a hot guy would be attending our class so Juniper already saved him a seat, breaking up with her boyfriend before school to make some room for the new guy.

I really pity him. I really do. But he sat there, paying no attention to Juniper AT ALL. I mean, she was probably sitting on his lap but he made no reaction. Like someone already has taken that place, someone in his heart.

I knew it! A good looking guy such as him wouldn't be single. From wherever he came from, looks like there is that special someone. I felt a pang of guilt because I was quite disappointed he's taken. But, glad so I can focus on my mission and not have a social life to take care of. I'm used to this, being ignored by people. That's why I'm a spy, duh!

After the lecture, the bell rang. I went to the Chemistry Laboratory in the second floor in room 351 with Ms. Calera. I let her sign my slip and she gave me an encouraging look. Looks like I looked pretty down because of the He's-not-James-but-Luke-Brice thing. I sat down at the very back of the lab and set my bag beside the sink.

I don't like to be bothered today so I sulk. I know, I just said that I don't but I really felt like it today. I know, I'm such a liar. So sue me.

 Then, I heard Luke enter and let Ms. Calera sign. She blushed. What is it with young guys and old desperate teachers? He wasn't forced to introduce so he just sat at the empty chair--which is beside me, this time.

You may think I'm lucky. Think whatever you like. Because it isn't near lucky AT ALL. I was dreading it the whole time because when I look at him I think of James. And it HURTS. I don't know why but it really does.

"Ok, take a good look at the ones beside you because they will be your permanent Lab partners." Ms. Calera said. I looked over and he did too. I immediately regretted it because those green eyes held me there. I was completely lost until Ms. Calera called my name 5 times and I didn't respond. He had to call my attention so I could snap out of it.

What the heck? FOCUS! The teacher droned on and on about safety in the laboratory until the bell rang. I got up to leave when somebody caught my arm.

"Hey, what's your name, by the way? I wanted to make sure because, you know, you're my lab partner." He said while shifting his weight from foot to foot. That is exactly a sign of nervousness. As if reading my mind, he stopped and just stood still. There is hope in his eyes for I don't really know what.

"Caitlin Bridge." I said. The light in those perfect eyes went out. The hope was gone.

"Oh." Disappointment clearly in his voice. "I hope to be working well with you."

And with that, he walked out swiftly. I followed and went to my next class which is Trigonometry. I groaned. I hate Math. I can keep up and all but I don't like it. I trudged down onto the first floor and to the east wing where I'll be suffering for the next hour.

Mr. Arista discussed something about the Pythagorean Theorem and such. I fidgeted on my chair until the bell rang and I rushed for the locker. The pink paper indicated it was on the 2nd floor by the west wing. I went up and placed my books when I noticed what is beside it--an observatory. Really, how big is this school?!

I really wanted to go inside because I LOVE looking at the stars and all. But, maybe next time. I wouldn't want to miss lunch because my stomach is asking for it. I headed downstairs and onto the South wing. By the time I got outside of it, I was out of breath. I took in a couple of air and went inside the busy but colossal place.

I took it all in and saw the red headed girl from History this morning. She sat at the back so that was the best option I have. As I head for the table, an unexpected someone makes a visit in front of me.

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