You should leave

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Early the next morning, Stevie was woken up by the doorbell. She stretched her arm out over to Joe's side of the bed in hopes to wake him up as well and get him to answer the door, but he wasn't beside her. She then realized the water in the bathroom was running, which meant Stevie would have to get up herself. 

In no rush, Stevie sat up in their massive bed, lazily swung her legs over the edge and got up on her feet. Wearing just a short nightie, she decided to cover herself up with a robe, since she had no idea, who was at the door. Sleepily making her way down the stairs, gripping the railing tightly she told the person who had just rung the bell again that she was coming.

"Mick?" Stevie squinted, the brightness of the morning blinding her. "What in the world are you doing here at this time?"

"Sorry about it, I just wanted to apologize."

"You could have called?" Stevie stifled a yawn, stepping aside, inviting Mick into her home. "I'm making myself a cup of coffee." She said and he knew it was an offer.

"I'm good, thanks." Mick took a seat, otherwise he would have started pacing. "I felt like shit about blindsiding you like I did yesterday. I definitely didn't consider the past when asking Lindsey to join us." A sigh passed through Stevie's lips, but Mick continued. "I am genuinely sorry, Stevie."

"I accept your apology." Stevie said, pouring the boiling water into her cup.

"There's more." Mick spoke up again after a moment.

Stevie stopped stirring her coffee, turning around slowly, as she crossed her arms and raised and eyebrow at Mick. "Go on."

Faking a cough, Mick shifted in his seat. "We, uh... well, we had a talk and..."

"Come on, Mick. Just spit it out. And who's we?"

"Lindsey and I. John was there too." Mick was clearly avoiding looking Stevie in the eyes. "Lindsey's joining us on tour."

"WHAT?!" Stevie exclaimed, her eyes wide, mouth agape. "You have got to be fucking kidding me, Fleetwood!"

"Stevie, just lis-"

"You're out of your damn mind! You've gone mad in your old age, Mick, I swear!"

"Hear me out, please." Mick tried again, standing up as he approached her, placing his hands on her shoulders, but he removed them quickly, when she glared at him. 

"We've got a guitar player in the band, let me remind you. Joe's the one who saved your ass, Mick. Eagles were doing pretty well too, but he left them and joined us! You can not throw him out!"

"And that's not what I was thinking of doing." Mick shook his head, now covering Stevie's hands with his large ones, in hopes to calm her down. Also, so she wouldn't hit him in the face, because Mick was kind of expecting that. And the way she was staring at him, her eyes narrowed... anything could happen. "Both, Lindsey and Joe, would be on the tour."

Stevie scoffed, pulling her hands away from Mick's touch. "Do you honestly believe that's possible?"

"Well, Lindsey's okay with it. If Joe-"

"Of course Lindsey's freaking okay with it!" Stevie shouted, throwing her hands in the air as they then fell heavily by her hips. "He failed as a solo artist. Miserably." She added. "He's got to have run out of money he made from Fleetwood Mac at some point."

"You're just being mean right now, Stevie."

"I have every right to be mean." She folded her arms again, turning away from Mick to look out the window. 

Then Joe came in.

"Mick, I didn't know you were coming." He frowned, as he approached Stevie, kissing her good morning. "I thought I heard you yelling." 

"I don't think I'm done." Stevie glared at Mick, who sighed. 

"What happened?" Joe faced Mick as well, who was given no other option but to explain the whole situation again.

"Fuck you, Mick Fleetwood." Came a calm reply from Joe, once Mick finished talking. "Why? Haven't we been doing well enough without that asshole?"

"I think our fans would love it, seeing the Rumours lineup back together."

"You didn't mention Christine was coming back as well." Stevie said and Mick shook his head.

"Well, fine, not the complete lineup." Mick scratched the back of his head, feeling a bit intimidated by the united couple in front of him. "Look, Lindsey would play the songs, he played on the records, you Joe, would do the same. I swear, you both would have equal time on stage."

"No." Joe said plainly, shaking his head. "This is absurd. I don't see why Lindsey has to be back. People have already forgotten about him, he hasn't done anything anyone liked since he recorded Mirage with Fleetwood Mac. His solo music is a complete pile of shit. I've earned my spot in the band." Joe pointed a finger at himself. "I've even been longer in the band that he has. It's not my fault he was an idiot and made stupid decisions. I don't owe him anything nor does Steph or you, Mick, for that matter."

Mick realized he was getting absolutely nowhere with this. "But..." He tried and trailed off, there was nothing to say that would convince them. "So, what do I do now?"

"You make a decision." Joe shrugged. "Which one of us do you need more, him or me? A reliable team player or some has-been." Joe left with that, fuming inside, he wasn't one for public outbursts. 

"I think, you should leave." Stevie finally looked at Mick, so he knew, she was a hundred percent on her husband's side.

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