I realized...

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The past couple of days were alright for Stevie. Joe, however, seemed to be over the moon to have her to himself without having to share. They were spending almost every minute of every day together. Two reasons hid behind it; Joe thought this was the perfect way to bring them back together, Stevie was telling herself this was the perfect way for them to reconnect. 

"Would you like to join me by the pool?" Joe asked after the two had breakfast.

"I'm not sure about that..." Unfounded complexes of her body filled Stevie's mind. "You know how I am about my body."

"Silly." Joe gave her a smile, reaching for her hand. "You're smokin' hot, Stevie, just like you were when we met. Who cares what other people think? I love your body. I mean, you should know..." He smirked, Stevie's cheeks turning slightly pink. "You have a swimsuit packed, don't you?" Stevie nodded. "So, you did think an opportunity might come up for you to wear it."

"More like I packed it just in case." Stevie laughed lightly, then sighed. "Why don't you go alone? I'll stay in the room, read maybe or write."

"That's not the point of this trip." Joe shook his head. "Please?"

"Fine." Stevie gave in. "But I'm not leaving this room leaving just the swimsuit."

"Deal." Joe beamed, pressing a kiss to her cheek.

A short while later, Stevie exited the bathroom and joined Joe, who was patiently waiting for her, sitting on the bed cross legged. Once he saw her, he lowered his feet to the ground and came up to Stevie.

"What did I say? You look gorgeous." He assured, kissing her lips. 

Not entirely convinced, Stevie walked over to the mirror and took in her appearance. Wearing a black one piece and a kaftan over it, she looked at herself from all angles. Her eyes wandered to her thighs and she frowned. She then lifted her arms, seeing they weren't as firm anymore, she sighed. Moving a hand over her stomach, she let out another groan. Sure, she was sixty years old, but that didn't mean she stopped wanted to look fit.

"Babe..." Joe approached her from behind, wrapping his arms around her middle. "You're way too hard on yourself." His lips pressed a kiss to her neck. "I adore your neck, I love to bury my face here and inhale your beautiful scent." He placed his hands on her shoulders and moved them down her arms. "I love the feeling of your arms around me." Moving them back up, Joe let his hands explore her front. "These only got better, they're fuller and because of it, I'm a very happy man." He winked, looking at her through the mirror. His palms then settled on her belly. "You should never be ashamed of this part of your body. You carried our daughter in here for nine long months. You brought a new precious life into this world, baby. You made me a father." He then gripped her hips. "These make you a woman in my eyes. You're so sexy, when you walk, your hips swaying side to side, tempting me every time I look at them..." Turning her around, Joe said. "Love yourself the way I love you."

That did it. 

Stevie broke down in tears, feeling Joe embrace her, asking her to calm down. She couldn't. Her body was close to shaking due to her sobbing, which worried Joe. He took her over to the bed and sat her down. 

"I'll get you a glass of water." Stevie didn't reply, hiding her face in her hands. "Take a deep breath and drink this." Joe asked her, handing her the glass a minute later. 

With shaky hands, Stevie downed the water and gave the empty glass back to Joe, who put it away and knelt in front of her, worry now evident across his face.

"I'm so sorry..." Stevie managed in a whisper.

"It's okay." 

"It's not." Stevie shook her head, because he had no clue what she meant. "I don't deserve you. I never did."

"What are you-"

"You love me, Joe." She said emphasizing. 

"Well, of course I do." Joe nodded with a nervous laugh.

"You've always loved me deeply and unconditionally." She continued. "And I love you, too. You were there for me, always and... I loved you, too." She repeated.

Joe was beyond confused. Stevie wasn't making much sense and she seemed to be badly distraught. "Sweetheart, I don't really understand what you're trying to tell me."

"I wanted you to be my happy ever after." She brought her hand up to his face, cupping his cheek. "We were perfect together for such a long time."

"Stevie, you're scaring me." Joe's heart was beating out of his chest as he stared into her eyes, waiting for her to continue. Although, he wasn't sure that whatever she was about to say he was going to like very much.

Taking a deep breath, Stevie wiped her tears. "I've been seeing Lindsey." Joe stilled and she added quickly. "Not that way. We are just... getting to know each other again. He invited me over to listen to a song he wrote for me." Joe pulled away, making great distance between them. "He played it for me, I couldn't even get through it. I started crying much like I did now, letting go of all the anger I held towards him. He comforted me and the feeling of his arms around me..." Swallowing back tears, Stevie finished. "I realized that I have never fallen out of love with him."

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