Forever yours

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It was the fourth time Lindsey tried calling Stevie and yet again she didn't answer. He called Karen as well, but she didn't pick up either. Fleetwood Mac were supposed to play Madison Square Garden in only a few hours and right now a very important part of the band was missing. Stevie told him she had something to do back in California, so she boarded a private jet and left the day before, saying she'll return in time for the show. 

Checking the time once again, Lindsey frowned. Unless Stevie was coming straight to the venue with her makeup and hair done already, she wasn't going to go up on that stage. He then heard the door of their suite open and he marched towards it, his eyes meeting Stevie's.

"You're back! Finally!" He exclaimed pulling her into his arms.

"Of course, I wouldn't have missed the show." Stevie said, giving him a look as she stepped back.

"We need to head to the venue for soundcheck. Mick's been calling me, asking me when are we going to arrive."

"I know, I know, Lindsey." Stevie breathed out heavily. "I need a minute."

Taking a seat beside her, Lindsey asked. "What was so urgent anyway? Why did you have to go back out of the blue?"

"I had to go to end the divorce process at last." She said, a small smile on her lips. "I'm no longer married to Joe, Lindsey." Her smile widened, once she knew Lindsey realized what she had just told him.

"You're being serious right now?"

"I'm serious." Stevie nodded. "I'm a free woman."

"Like hell you are! You're my woman, Stephanie." Lindsey grinned, embracing her again as he then kissed her. 

"You're just assuming, Linds. I don't remember you asking me to be your woman." Stevie smirked then chuckled at the expression on Lindsey's face, he was asking her are you kidding me? without words. "I would sure like it being your woman."

"I can't believe it." Lindsey shook his head slightly, tucking a stray strand of hair behind her ear. "I'm repeating myself, but my God, Steph... I've never in my wildest dreams thought we'd end up together again."

"Neither have I. But here we are..." She smiled at him lovingly and so did he, gently capturing her lips. 

"I know what you gave up for me, baby, and I can only give you my word that I'll do my best to treat you right. I know how I get sometimes; I'll be jealous and I'll try to control you more often than not, but it's just how I am." Lindsey seemed somewhat sad even though there was nothing to be sad about.

"You're nothing like you used to be though." Stevie pointed out. "I can deal with this new changed Lindsey. Besides, letting every man in the room know I'm yours by holding my hand or having your arm around my waist, kissing me... I've got to say, I'm learning to like it. A lot." Stevie smirked. "However, you shouldn't worry. There's no competition when it comes to you, to my love for you. I just... I simply don't know how not to love you." Stevie told him honestly with a shrug of her shoulders. "It's you, Linds. It's always been you."

"It's always been you too, Stevie." He echoed her words, holding her face in the palms of his hands. Tilting his head to one side, he leaned in to kiss her once more and she locked her hands at the back of his neck when he did. 

"Make love to me." She breathed against his lips. "I couldn't care less about being at Madison Square Garden on time."

Laughing, Lindsey knew they could get in a lot of trouble, but he wasn't about to deny her. 

Showing her to scoot over to the headboard, he followed her, laying in between her thighs as his lips started teasing her neck, her chest... She moaned at his soft touch, when his hand brushed over her breast, then moved to the other. While pressing small kisses anywhere his lips found her exposed skin, he undressed her and couldn't help but look at her. Really look at her body. Sure, she had changed over the years, but an extra bit of weight never mattered to him. The only thing that mattered was her heart.

His clothes ended up on the floor in a matter of minutes as well and he made himself comfortable between her legs again. "I love you." He whispered, leaning in for another kiss, reaching for her hand, entwining their fingers together at the same time as he pushed himself into her with ease. 

They had to rush, but they didn't. She asked him to make love to her and that was exactly what he did, his thrusts deep and slow, all the while his eyes locked with hers as their bodies moved in perfect synchronicity. 

There weren't any crying out of the others name, there were no words at all except of the proclamation of their undying and unconditional love for each other as they climaxed one immediately after the other. 

"I love you." He repeated. "You're mine, Stephanie."

She nodded her head and said."I'm forever yours."



Thank you so much for your wonderful feedback! I loved writing this story, because it was different and I hope I did a good job with it. Thank you! ♥

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