Chapter 1

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Derek has some how returned and stronger than ever. A whole army of rogues had banded with him, along with Bretton's older brother, Primus. Their main focus is getting the notes, and Lea is now curious as to what is even said on those pages.

Old alliances become enemies, and secrets are revealed that changes Lea's life forever. Will Lea and Bretton be able to find peace once again?


Bretton POV

 My eyes shot open, and soon the stress and worries from earlier came rushing back.

I flew from my bed, the noise from outside filling me with dread. I couldn't believe I slept through this! I rushed down the stairs, taking four at a time. The closer I got to the door, the louder the noise became, and the stronger the stench of rogue increased.

Wrenching open the door, the view that was in front of me was pure chaos.

My warriors were fighting against masses of rogues that seemed to just keep coming. There seemed to be no end to the reinforcements from the rogue leaders' side.  I wondered who the leader was anyways and what they wanted. It was probably Derek. And Primus. I fill with sadness at that thought, but quickly push it away and replace it with anger.

No one had even bothered to wake me up? Not even mind link me? I slammed the door closed, and glanced around me once again. I wasn't sure who was winning or who was losing.

I shifted quickly, and Lea crossed my mind.

My heart rate increased and I soon was on a frantic search to sniff her out and glimpse her wolf body between the group of wolves. I wouldn't no what I'd do if she was hurt and I couldn't help her.

There was a wolf in front of me, coming at me at a fast pace. Once they launched theirself at me, I ducked down and bit at their underside, sending them crashing to the dirt and bleeding out onto the dusty ground.

I look away, running off into the middle of the fighting.

A second later a scent hit my nose, and I involuntarily growled. I looked up to see the familiar wolf that destroyed my mate's, and pack's life.

"Derek." I growled, and he looked up, my scent catching his nose too. 

He looked at me, and a smirk seemed to form on his face. I wasn't watching when a wolf came at me from the side and sent me sprawling. 

Quickly gaining my composure, I faced my attacker. It was a large brown wolf, bulky and lean. But his footing was off, and he seemed too full of himself for his own good.

He comes at me first, aiming his right paw to my jaw. Probably trying to break it. I leaned my head down, and took that advantage to sink my teeth into his chest. His bones cracked loudly, and his howl of pain made me let go and make my way closer to Derek. 

Derek looked pretty impressed with how quick I took him down, but soon replaced his face to his familiar blank slate. 

I needed to find Lea.

I jumped at Derek, knowing he wouldn't take the first move.

He dodged, but I landed smoothly and got a good bite at his right shoulder. It was bleeding quite heavily, but it didn't seem to mind him. Derek came at me, sinking his teeth into my back leg. I heard a snap, but didn't let the pain show. It hurt like hell. 

Derek let go, my blood on his mouth. I didn't look at my leg, but rammed Derek to the ground. He fell, and I bit down on his stomach. His blood poured, but somewhere in the back of my mind, I knew Derek wouldn't die. 

He seemed to be in pain, the blood rushing out of him, even dead. But I knew he wasn't dying.

I leave him, my main focus now on Lea. I didn't know if the fight would end now that Derek was dead, but rogues will be rogues and keep fighting. Some ran off, obviously oblivious to the fact that he just doesn't die. It must be witch craft.


Bretton was all that was on my mind.

I bet he was angry at me for making him go to bed, and not waking him up. I was just too busy fighting off the endless amount of rogues to take the time to mind link him.

I just finished off a small rogue, when I was knocked to the ground, my head hitting the ground with force. I was dazed, more than likely going to have a minor concussion. My head wasn't clear when a pain shot through my hind leg. It sobered me, the pain taking away the fog that was clouding my mind.

I was a little worried, considering I was in a posture of which the rogue could take advantage of.

Darn Bretton and not letting me go to fighting practice!

I jumped up quickly, taking the rogue by surprise. I launch myself towards its neck, but I just snapped at the air.


To my left, the rogue was on the ground and being tackled by.. Bretton. I sighed with relief, and embraced him quickly after he was done with the rogue. I missed him considerably, and I felt much better knowing that he was safe.


"I'm glad you're okay." Bretton muttered in my ear, placing a couple small kisses right below my ear. His breath tickling the side of my neck.

I loved him being close to me. "I'm not really okay."  It turned out that I had a major concussion, and to stay in bed and rest for at least a week and a half, two weeks at most.  

Laying in bed sounded like a great idea. I was exhausted and my head was thumping. The rogues after the fight ran off, and many of our warriors were wounded. One died. I never really got close to the warrior who passed, but I payed a quick visit to the lost ones' family. It seemed like the right thing to do, for a Luna especially.

I crawled under the covers when Bretton went to take a shower. My mind was now clouded with the thoughts of the notes. I knew that raid after raid would come until Derek and Primus would get their hands on them.

needed to see what was on those papers. 

Closing my eyes, I let my mind wander until I felt the bed dip beside me. I leaned towards Bretton, and opened my eyes to his familiar chocolate brown ones. He was so gorgeous, and only mine. 

"What are you staring at?" Bretton said, a smug look on his face. I rolled my eyes, looking away from him, settling on the spinning ceiling fan. "Look at me, Lea."

"Why?" I asked, my eyes still focused intently on the fan. 

"I want to kiss you." He said, and my eyes instantly met his, slightly falling down to his lips.

"My head hurts. But you can get one tomorrow." I tell him, snuggling into his chest. He whined, but nodded and held me close. Just like I liked it.

"I love you, Bretton." I whispered.

"I love you much more than that, Lea." He paused. "You'll never know how much you mean to me."


First chapter to the sequel of LIAR!

I know it took SO long to update the series, and it is a short chapter. I'm sorry.

I hope you enjoyed this, and I'm sorry for taking so long.


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