Your scared of heights?

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Chapter 2
Your scared of heights?


G. I. N. I.

What the fuck.

Fucking hell.

He casually stares at me and then wraps his large hands around mine. This dude is fucking crazy.

"Hi there Pigtails," He whispers in a husky voice.

I slap his hand away and push him away from me.

"Shut the hell up fuckface," I say and try not to high five myself at the red mark appearing on his hand.


"Aww why is my Pigtails so mean to me?" He says playfully with fake hurt.

I give him my evil smile.

I try to ignore the fact that the hottest boy on the earth is sitting next to me.

I grab my earphones and plug them in.

"Ladies and gentlemen we will shortly be taking off, please make sure your seatbelt is kept on while we take off, Thank You,"

Nervousness overtakes me. I hate flying. It freaks me out.

Ugh. Fucking hell.

The plane stars moving and going forward.

Withought hesitating I put my head on Fuckface's arm and scream.

"Don't let me die," I mumble over and over again.

I feel Fuckface freeze under my touch.

" Uhhhhh.. Pigtails..." He says nervously.

I feel being lifted from the ground. Shit.

Then i scream.

" AHHHHHHH!" I yell.

I feel Fuckface laughing. I look up and see him smirking.

" Didn't take you for a screamer Pigtails," He says with a sexy grin.


What is that meant to mean?

He scans my confused face and looks shocked.

" No..,"

" What?"

" Your innocent too?" He says, smiling like he's solved an impossible puzzle.

" Pfffttt, i'm not innocent," i say truthfully.

I'm not innocent.

I know i'm not innocent.

I mean I stole fifteen pounds from Conor and put eggshells in his ice cream.

I am not innocent.

He stares at me with an inreadable expression.

I try not to blush.

Why is he looking at me like that?

He looks at me dreamily and I mentally groan.

This is going to be a fucking long journey.

Fuck my life.

"So Pigtails your going Italy?" He finally stops staring and talks.

"None of your fucking beeswax," I mumble.

"Well i am too, let's hope we bump into each other," He says grinning at me and winks.

This dude is mental.

"Shawn fucking Mendes you choose him over me?" He says with mock hurt.

I roll my eye's.

"Have you seen his abs," I say dreamily.

"I have better,"


"You wanna see?" He winks at me seductively.


Then he takes off his shirt.

And I fucking drool.

Pure fucking heaven.

"Does my Pigtails like what she see's,"

I jump up and blush furiously my cheeks the color of his red trainers.



"Put your fucking shit back on," I demand.

He smirks.


"No?" I say lamely.


"Suit your fucking self," I mumble annoyed at him.

"So I still don't know your name Pigtails,"


He gives me a confused look before smirking.

"C'mon tell me,"

" Lamagini," I say giving in.

He snorts his laughter booming through my sensitive ears.

"Lama... Gini?" He says laughing, his whole body shaking.

"Shut. The. Fuck. Up," I grit out, angry.

He stops laughing and smiles at me widely.

" Zak," He says, pinching my cheek.

"I'm sorry for laughing at you Pigtails but your too cute," He whispers gently stroking my cheek.

I slap his hand away.

"Don't touch me,"

His leg vibrates and he pulls his phone out, looking away from me.

I study his face closely.
He's got those beautiful, ocean blue eyes and a long slender nose, that meet his red lips, his large brown curls rest on his forehead but the best thing is those high cheekbones and that jawline.

And then those abs...

I quickly look away and find myself mentally slapping myself.

I will not drool over him.

I rest my head against the window and drift off.


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