Chapter 7

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After seeing all the creatures in the aquarium, we went to see the dolphins. It was the only thing that we didn't see.

"Thanks for today." I smiled. "No problem. I wish Ma-Ri was here with us too. She would have loved this." Jungkook said. "Maybe next time I come back to Busan, all three of us can come here and go to other places." He said and I bit my bottom lip."Yeah..."

'I wish she was here too.' My eyes almost started to tear up.

I felt guilty that he didn't know about Ma-Ri. It's wrong. I shouldn't be keeping him in the dark but I also didn't want to see him in pain.

"There's something on your hair." Jungkook said as he touched my hair to get whatever that was on my hair.

My heart leapt a beat.

I still liked him.

Jungkook POV

I touched her hair to get the thing that was on her hair.

Her hair was soft and silky. It felt nice.

Mi-Rae slapped my hand away and moved back while giving a cold expression.

It was that same expression she used to give me when she started to distant herself from me.

She turned around and ran out of the aquarium.

"Mi-Rae!" I called out and followed her but she kept running.

She got in a taxi and the taxi took off.

"Damn it." I cussed under my breath as I ran my hand through my hair.

'Did I do something wrong?'

'Why does she always make me so confused?'

I was about to get angry.

It has always been like this. When we were little she would always be nice to me one moment and the next she would be cold. It always confused me.

I quickly took out my phone and called Hye-Mi.

"Hye-Mi, s-she ran out." I said as soon as Hye-Mi picked up. "What do you mean she ran out?" She asked worriedly. "I don't know. She left the aquarium." "Did you say something to her that triggered her?" She asked. "No. Not really." I shook my head. "What did you say?" "I said that next time I come back to visit Busan Mi-Rae, Ma-Ri and I should hang out and come back to the aquarium since Ma-Ri also likes the aquarium." I explained. "Come home." She said. "Pardon?" "Come back home. Don't worry about her. She's fine." Hye-Mi said which made me more confused. "O-okay." I reluctantly nodded.

Going to Mi-Rae's house I saw the hyungs along with Hye-Mi finish decorating Mi-Rae's living room.

"Where's Hyun-Min hyung?" I asked Hye-Mi as I didn't see Hyun-Min. "He went to get Mi-Rae." She said. "Is she okay? Did she say where she went?" I asked worriedly. "She's fine and no, but we know her too well. We know where she went so don't worry about it." She assured me. "I could have gotten her." I said. "It's fine." She said.

"Jungkookie, you're back!" Hoseok exclaimed. "Y-yeah." "Is Mi-Rae coming?!" Jin's asked worriedly. "We aren't done with the decorations." Namjoon said. "We haven't gotten the cake either." Yoongi added. "This room is a mess." Jimin said. "We need to clean up after we're done, so we need a little more time." Taehyung said. "It's fine. She won't be back until later." I said. They all nodded.

"May, get off the table!" Hye-Ki whined as she grabbed the cat earning a angry meow from May.

Mi-Rae POV

I bought a bouquet of
Ma-Ri's favorite flowers, Daisies, and placed them next to her tombstone.

"I'm sorry." I started to cry. "I'm sorry. I'm so sorry! I'm a horrible sister!" I covered my face as I crouched down.

I sniffled.


I saw a boy who looked about my age, playing by himself in the sandbox. He slightly jumped back as he noticed a cat that was sitting beside him.

"Yah, you scared me!" He talked to the cat. I slightly watched him interact with the cat but the cat walked away.

"Yay, come back!" He changed the cat but the cat ran away. "This is why I like dogs more. Cats don't listen!" He hmph-ed. I burst out of laughter and he turned to look at me.

He looked slightly scared.

"S-sorry. I didn't mean to scare you." I apologized. "I-I-it's f-fine." He stuttered. "What's your name?" I asked. "Jeon Jungkook." He mumbled.

"You look just like my friend." He said. "Who?" I asked curiously. "Ma-Ri. He said. "You're friends with my sister?" I asked. "You're her unnie, Mi-Rae?" He asked and I nodded. "Do you want to be friends, scaredy cat?" I made fun of him. "I'm not a scaredy cat!" I laughed.

It was a weird day for me. I've seen him around all the time but I never once talked to him. What was more surprising is that I was actually being outgoing for once.

•>Few weeks later<•

"Unnie, do you like Jungkook?" Ma-Ri asked out of nowhere. "E-eh?! W-what type of question is that?" I asked slightly flustered. "Do you?" She asked with a cute voice. I lied and shook my head. "Good." She smiled. "Do you like him?" I asked already knowing the answer. She nodded with a small blush.

"My twin has a crush~." I teased her. "U-unnie!" She slightly whined and I laughed.

That's when I made the decision of keeping my distance from Jungkook. As long as Mi-Rae was happy, I was happy. It was simple or so I thought.

•••End of Flashback •••

We were eleven back then. It was when Mi-Rae was still here. I would do anything for her happiness. I promised myself I would stop liking him.

6 years passed yet that feeling didn't change.

What was worse that she made me promise her that I would write to Jungkook on behalf of her after she passed away.

Thanks to the letters, I was falling for him more.

I didn't know when I started to write without thinking that I was writing while pretending to be Ma-Ri. I was being myself.

It made me feel more guilty. Those were her letters not mine. They had nothing to do with me. I just had to pretend to be her and write to him on behalf of her. I couldn't do that.

'I'm selfish...'

I thought as I sat on the bench on a nearby park where Ma-Ri and I used to play together all the time.

"Mi-Rae!" I heard Hyun-Min said and quickly wiped my tears.

Hyun-Min POV

Mi-Rae quickly wiped her tears and stood up. She forced a smile.

"Hyun-Min, what are you doing here?" She asked pretending to be okay.

'That face doesn't suit you...'

"I just figured you would be here." I said shrugging. "Oh..." she trailed.

I decided not to pester her by asking if she was okay and if she was crying.

I silently hugged her making her surprised.

"H...Hyun-Min...?" She questioned. "Let's go." I said letting her go. "Where?" She asked. "How about we go grab some ice cream?" I suggested and she smiled before nodding.

As we walked to the ice cream shop, I quickly texted Hye-Mi saying everything is okay and I will keep Mi-Rae busy for another thirty minutes until they're done preparing for her surprise birthday party.

We never threw her birthday parties after Ma-Ri passed away. Mi-Rae would never talk about her birthday either. She liked to spend it by herself but Hye-Mi and I would never let her be alone.

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