Chappy 8

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Hyun-Min and I entered my house. It was very dark. As I was about to turn on the lights, the light from candles dimly lit up the room.

The candles and what seemed to be a cake was being carried towards me while 9 different voices started to sing happy birthday.

I was surprised.

"Blow out the candles." Jungkook said with a smile. I reluctantly nodded and blew out the candles.

Hyun-Min switched on the lights and I saw Namjoon, Jin, Yoongi, Hoseok, Jimin, Taehyung, and Hye-Mi.

"W-wh..." I was at the loss for words as Hye-Mi hugged me.

"Happy birthday~." She said in a singing voice as she hugged me tight. "Happy birthday." Hyun-Min said and hugged me after Hyde-Mi was done hugging me.

"Happy Birthday!" BTS wished me a happy birthday. I thanked everyone.

Everyone fed me cake and they also smudged some on my face.

"Y-you guys didn't have to do all this..." I said. "Shut up. You never celebrate your birthday." Hyun-Min said. "And we wanted to do something special for the person who always makes us feel special all the time." Hye-Mi added. "She does?" Hyun-Min questioned and Hye-Mi smacked him. We all laughed.

Tears started to run down my cheeks.

"Yah, don't cry." Taehyung said. "It's just..." I sniffled. "I didn't expect Mi-Rae to be a crybaby." Jungkook teased.
"S-shut up!" I wiped my tears. "She's a tsundere." Hoseok said jokingly. "How cute!" Jimin said. "She slightly reminds me of someone I know except she's a girl...." Jin trailed. All eyes fell on Yoongi. "Is she your long lost sister?" Namjoon jokingly asked. "Probably." Yoongi shrugged. "Wow. I'm honored." I laughed.

"You should call your twin sister." Taehyung said. "We have to wish her happy birthday as well." Jin said. "I was just about to say that." Jungkook said. "U-um..." I bit my bottom lip. "We tried but couldn't reach her. Apparently, they don't electricity at her grandma's house so their cell phones are dead. ." Hyun-Min lied. "Oh. That's too bad." Jimin said. "Yeah. Sorry." I said.

Then everyone ate the cake, chatted, and joked around until late at night. I didn't know when I drifted off to sleep.

Jungkook POV

"Mi-Rae, where do I put---" Hye-Mi stopped talking. "She's asleep..." Hyun-Min trailed. "She looks so cute." Hoseok said.

"We can finish cleaning tomorrow." Namjoon said. "Yeah. Everyone seems to be tired." Jin said. "Sounds good to me." Yoongi said. "Let's just put these to the side." Jimin said. "I'll put the dishes in the kitchen and wash them." Taehyung said. "I'll help." I said following Taehyung to the kitchen.

Everyone finished putting everything to the side and was about to leave.

"We can't let her sleep on the couch." Jin said. "It's fine. She usually sleeps on the couch." Hye-Mi said. "What kind of friend are you?" I asked jokingly. "The good kind." She laughed. "I'll take her to her room." Hyun-Min said. "It's fine. I'll take her to her room." I said. "You both should go home." Yoongi said. "It's pretty late." Namjoon added. "It's fine--" "Hyun-Min, let's go." Hye-Mi said dragging Hyun-Min out.

"Byeee!" She waved. "Bye!" We all said.

"You all should go too. I'll be there in a little bit." I said to my hyungs. "Okay." They nodded and left.

I carried Mi-Rae princess style and took her to her room. I still remember which room.

I gently put her down on her bed and put the blanket over her.

Her eyebrows were knitted together and it looked like she was having a nightmare.

I ruffled her hair which kind of made her relax a little.

I noticed that the twins still had their pictures hung up on the from every birthday. I noticed that they didn't have any pictures from their birthday after their 12th birthday.

I frowned and wondered why.

The desk that was placed on the side of the room was a mess.

"Aish, they're as messy as ever." I muttered and smiled.

I decided to organize it.

As I was organizing it, a familiar envelope fell from one of the notebooks.

I picked up the envelope and saw that it was my letter.

I noticed that it fell from Mi-Rae's notebook.

'Does she read my letters?' I thought. I didn't really mind.

My eyes widened as I saw something.

The handwriting in Mi-Rae's notebook was the same as the handwriting in Ma-Ri's letters.

'Maybe Ma-Ri uses Mi-Rae's notebook?' I thought trying to dismiss my thought.

I flipped the pages and they were still the same handwriting. I saw the teacher's note on it.

'Good job, Mi-Rae. See me as soon as you see this :)" The note said along with the teacher's signature.

Then I noticed a notebook on the side of the desk. It has Ma-Ri's name on it. I opened it and saw that the handwriting is very different from the letters.

I became confused.

The notebook seemed to be from sixth grade.

The handwriting was the same as the letters that I got from Ma-Ri, the first few months I moved to Seoul.

I didn't really think much about the change of handwriting back then.

As I organized everything, I didn't see any notebooks that belonged to Ma-Ri.

"I'm...sorry..." I heard Mi-Rae whimper in her sleep.

'Is she having a nightmare...?'

I stroke her hair.

"I'm really sorry....Jungkook.... Ma-Ri..." My eyes widened.

'Why is she being sorry? Should I wake her up?'

"Mi-Rae." I slightly shook her but she grabbed my hand and held it making me stumble and almost fall on top of her. Luckily, I caught myself. My face was a few inches away from hers.

Her eyes shot open.

"J-J-Jungkook!" She quickly let go of my hand and I moved away. My face was slightly red.

"W-w-what are you d-doing... here?" She asked sitting up. "I-I didn't want to leave you on the couch." I stuttered. " should go... it's almost 2." She said looking at the clock. "U-um, yeah... goodnight." I said. "Goodnight. The keys are in the vase, so if you don't mind then please lock the door." She said and I nodded.

After getting home, I changed into something comfortable and went to bed.

I kept tossing and turning.

I was thinking about the letters and the handwriting.

It's true that Ma-Ri isn't my so called childhood sweetheart as Taehyung would like to call it, but I did fall in love with her over the years thanks to the letters. Her randomness, the way she wrote, the way she would draw emoji's, and the way she would show concern.

I felt like there was something that I wasn't being told.

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