Chapter 9

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"Is there something you're not telling me?" Jungkook asked as he helped me clean up the house. "What?" I asked. I felt my stomach turn. "Why would you think that?" I tried not to sound suspicious. "I don't know...." He trailed.

"D-did I say something weird in my sleep?" I asked worriedly. "No." He shook his head. "Then?" I asked. "It's nothing." He said. "A-alright." I bit my lip.

'Did he perhaps see something?' I thought.

"Are you okay?" Jungkook asked snapping me out of my thoughts. I nodded.

"Aren't you guys going somewhere today?" I asked. "No." He shook his head. "Oh."

"We will learn a new choreography soon." Jungkook said. "Good luck." I said. "I don't think I will be able to do it." He said. "What makes you think that?" I asked looking at him. "These days I haven't really been doing well with dances. The dance seemed very hard." "You said the same about the choreography to Danger. You should stop precluding things. You're a good dancer not to mention that you learn things very fast. You'll learn it without any problems. Just don't stay up all night trying to perfect the dance just like when you did with Danger. You need your rest." I said.

"How did you know about the Danger choreography?" Jungkook looked at me suspiciously. "M-Ma-Ri. She told me about it." I lied. "I told her to promise me that she wouldn't tell anyone. When Ma-Ri promises something she never breaks it." He said as he came closer to me. "U-um..! I accidentally r-read y-your l-letter." I tried to make something up. My eyes wouldn't meet his.

I hated lying. That's something I would never get used to.

"Mi-Rae!" Hye-Mi and
Hyun-Min walked into the house. "Oh, Jungkook! Hi!" Hye-Mi greeted. "Hey." Hyun-Min greeted. "Hi." Jungkook said.

'They saved me once again!'
Relief washed over me.

"I'll get going now. Bye." Jungkook said before leaving.

"Thanks!" I exclaimed. "What? Why?" Hyun-Min asked. I explained everything to both of them.

"You should just tell him." Hyun-Min said. "W-What?" "Just tell him everything. He'll find out everything either ways. Maybe not from you but someone else." Hyun-Min said. "I agree with Hyun-Min. You should tell him everything. You can't keep him in the dark forever. As much as you wouldn't like to see him hurt, he will still be hurt no matter what. It will hurt him more after finding out what happened to Ma-Ri and that the letters were from you all along." Hye-Mi said. "W-what?" We turned our heads towards the door to see Jungkook.

I froze up.

"What happened to Ma-Ri?" He asked as he approached us. The three of us kept quiet.
"Mi-Rae, what the hell is going on?" He asked louder this time. I flinched at his tone.

"...s-she..." I couldn't speak. A huge lump formed in my throat. "Jungkook---" "Please leave us alone." Jungkook said cutting Hyun-Min off. "..." Hye-Mi silently nodded.

"Yah, Hye-Mi, we are not going to leave them alo---" "Let's go, Hyun-Min. It's better this way. They need to talk." Hye-Mi grabbed Hyun-Min and got out of the house.

"Explain. RIGHT. NOW." He emphasized right now.

I licked my lips as tears started to fall from my eyes.

"S-she p-passed a-away...." My voice cracked. "W-what....?" He asked not believing me. "S-she p-passed away." I tried my best to speak. "When? And why wasn't I told about this?!" He yelled.

I clenched my fist.

"Four months after you left for Seoul." I said. Jungkook was at the loss of words. He tried to take in what I just told him.

"T-Then those l-letters..." "They were from me." My voice was barely a whisper. "T-Those letters w-were from me." I said looking up at him. A tear slid from his eye.

"J-Jungkook---" "What is wrong with you?! Why did you pretend to be her?! WHY DIDN'T YOU TELL ME ANYTHING?!" He shouted and I flinched once again. "I-I--" "YOU'RE HORRIBLE, YOU KNOW THAT? DID YOU EVER THINK ABOUT HOW I WOULD FEEL IF I KNEW? DID YOU EVER THINK THAT YOU COULD JUST PRETEND TO BE HER AND KEEP WRITING TO ME AS IF NOTHING HAPPENED? YOU ARE A HORRIBLE FRIEND AND A SISTER. She deserved better than you..." The last sentence was a whisper.

He grabbed his phone from the table in the living room and made his way towards the door.

"Jungkook!" I called out but he slammed the door shut.

He wasn't wrong. I was a horrible sister and a friend. Ma-Ri really did deserve better than someone like me as her twin sister.

I started to sob as Hyun-Min and Hye-Mi ran to my side.

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