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Six: Too Sick For Pity

I assumed I was having a normal lunch with Wendy, picking away at the bacon burger that was placed on my tray

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I assumed I was having a normal lunch with Wendy, picking away at the bacon burger that was placed on my tray. I strangely felt pretty sick to my stomach, so I pushed the food away from me. Suddenly, Peter's friend Ned sat down in front of us.

"Okay, Peter has been non-stop talking about you for, like, a week now and it needs to stop," he blurted out, nodding his head at me.

"I beg y-your pardon?" I stammer, attempting to process what he just said while Wendy just burst out laughing.

"Peter is obsessed with you and I'm getting so bored hearing the same thing over and over-" Ned was cut off by Peter running up and slapping his hand over his mouth.

"Ned!" Peter screeched, his face turning a bright shade of red as he refused to make eye contact with me.

Wendy could not stop laughing as I had the sudden urge to vomit. My head was pounding and I leaned my head on the table, closing my eyes and groaning.

Wendy stopped laughing and placed a hand on my back.

"Hey.. is she okay?" Ned asked, and I heard Peter shuffle around the table.

"Hey, Jo? Jo, are you okay?" He asked, kneeling down beside me so that I didn't have to lift my head to make eye contact. I slowly shook my head no, feeling chills rush down my spine.

"Oh God, she looks really pale. She needs to go home," Wendy sighed.

"No, I'm good-" I mumbled, trying to stand up, but Peter grabbed me and placed me back down in my seat.

"Shit, I can't take her, I have a huge psychology test next period," Wendy moaned, rubbing my back in support.

"It's okay, I got her. I have a free period next," Peter offered, and I almost yelled in frustration.

"I can get myself home. I don't need any help-" I was cut off by my legs giving out as I attempted to get up. Peter and Wendy both caught me, Peter taking most of my weight as he wrapped my arm around his shoulder and scooped me closer.

"S-Sorry, I need to support you t-to get you home," Peter stammered, walking me away from our two friends who were calling their goodbyes.

"It's fine," I mumbled, feeling very tired and achy.

We quickly got to the train station, but there was stairs to get up from the sidewalk and I didn't know if I could take them.

"Parker.. I don't think I can.." he hushed me as I tried to explain. Suddenly, he lifted me up bridal style and carried me up the stairs.

"What the hell, Parker, you're strong," I mumbled in a haze of sickness, and he chuckled at my slurred words.

We hopped on a train and I sat down, leaning my head against Peter's arm as I dozed off. I was woken up by Peter gently shaking me and saying that we were at the stop.

"Oh God, I feel awful," I whined as he helped me off the train and into the conveniently placed elevator.

"You'll be okay. Are your parents home?" He asked, walking us towards my apartment building.

"No, my Mom is at work until five," I groaned up the few steps into the building and pushed the button on the elevator.

"What about your Dad?" He asked, leading me into the open metal doors.

"Dead," I spit out, nausea seeping over me.

"O-oh. Jo, I'm sorry-"

"Don't be. I'm too sick for pity," I swallowed as we neared my door. I opened it with the key in my pocket, rushing to my couch and laying down.

Peter followed, closing the door and walking towards my shivering figure on the couch. He placed a blanket on me slowly, wrapping me in it like a shawl.

"I'm going to find some soup to make, okay? If I can get you to your room can you change into some comfortable clothes?" He asked, helping me up.

"Yes, Parker, I don't need help changing, no matter how much you wish I did," I mumbled.

He blushed, leading me to my room and closing the door. I groaned, getting changed as quickly as possible. I slid into my bed, shivering and groaning.

As I sat there, I realized I never told Peter where my house was. That thought was interrupted by a knock on my door. Peter walked in slowly, carrying a mug full of soup with some water and an Advil.

"Thank God. You're a life saver, I love you," I slurred, too exhausted to filter my words.

"Wow, all that for soup," he chuckled, sitting on the edge of my bed as I slurped the hot liquid, downing the pill and some water.

"Pete, how did you know where I lived?" I mumbled, the curiosity still in my mind. Peter's eyes widened slightly.

"Uh, W-Wendy told me. When I-I was carrying you away," he stammered, and I knew it wasn't the truth.

Before I could protest, my stomach rumbled unhappily, and I panicked.

"Oh no," I flung out of my bed, running towards the washroom just in time to vomit straight into the toilet.

I continued to vomit for a few minutes, and during that process I felt Peter pulling hair up and rub my back, calming me down. I was thankful he was there for me, but I felt a little strange about how I barely knew him, yet he was doing all these things for me.

After that fiasco, Peter helped me brush my teeth and brought me back to bed, carrying me through the halls. I was virtually asleep by the time he walked into my room, so as he set me down and tucked me in, I grabbed his hand.

"Pete.. please don't go. I don't want to be alone.." I whined. Peter stood over me, looking down at the mess I had become.

"I won't. I'm not going anywhere," he nodded, sitting on the carpet beside my bed, rubbing circles into my hand as I fell asleep.



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