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Eighteen: Without The Suit

It was Wendy's voice that broke me out of my trance

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It was Wendy's voice that broke me out of my trance.

"Jo, you've been staring at the punch bowl for five minutes now.. is something wrong? Did you and Peter fight?" She asked me, grabbing my arm lightly as we separated slightly from Ned, Liz and a girl named Michelle.

"No, no, we didn't, he just-.. had a family emergency. I'm just worried. I want to make sure he's okay, but I can't," I sighed, brushing out my red dress, nerves and anxiety coursing through my veins.

"I'm sure he's fine, Josie. He would call you if he wasn't, okay?" She smiled at me, dulling my nerves slightly- but only slightly.

I tried to get back into the night, attempting to dance lamely to pop songs and eating sweets and drinking punch, but I couldn't ignore the pestering ache in my stomach at the thought of Peter being extremely hurt, or even worse-

No. Don't think like that, Jo. He's not dead. He's okay, he knows what he's doing.

I still couldn't focus, and after Ned disappeared about 20 minutes ago, I couldn't help it.

"Wendy, I'm sorry, but I have to go. I just.. can't. I'm sorry," I frowned at my friend, and she gave me a sad smile.

"It's okay, Jo. I understand. Go, find Peter and be there for him. He's good for you, y'know," she gave me a warm hug before I thanked her, fleeing from the gym. I burst out of the doors, realizing that May gave us a ride and my car has been sitting at home for over a week, completely out of gas.

I groaned, rushing towards the train station, hoping that I could get home and figure out what to do about Peter.

I received lots of stares from people as I stood on the train wearing a bright red dress. I ignored them, feeling too anxious at the thought of where my boyfriend was.

We were dating, right? Tonight was a date.. at least, it was until he had to go save the city. Ugh, this is not the time to think about this.

I rushed off at my stop, getting home to my Mother who asked me what happened.

"Oh, uh.. I felt really sick, so I decided to come home. Wendy dropped me off, but she had to get home too. I'll be fine, I'm going to my room," I rushed out a half-assed excuse, running down the hall.

Once in my room, I was about to change and figure out how the hell to find Peter when I heard a soft knock at my window. I gasped at the red and blue figure, throwing open the glass and tugging him inside.

"Ow! Be careful," he whispered, and I noticed once his mask was off that he was riddled with cuts and bruised skin.

"Peter," I gasped, helping him take off his hoodie, looking at the damaged skin.

"You're such and idiot-" I was cut off by his lips connecting to mine in a passionate kiss. My arms slowly wrapped around his bare torso, as his hands found their place on my hips. We pulled away slowly and he smiled down at me.

"I did it without the suit, Jo. I really did," he laughed breathlessly, picking me up and twirling me around. I chuckled at his antics, but smacked his shoulder when he put me down.

"You scared me so bad!" I hissed, sighing with my arms crossed.

"I couldn't think of anything else all night! I came home on the train early because I couldn't help but think that the boy I love was going to be paralyzed or worse, killed! I can't-"

"Wait, what did you say?" He interrupted me, and I froze as I realized what I had said.

"I.. nothing, I didn't say anything. Forget about it, I'll get something to clean those cuts-"

"Josephine." Peter said clearly, causing me to close my eyes and sigh.

"I.. I don't know what to say, Peter," I groaned, covering my face with my hands. He pulled them away gently.

"Then let me say something," he smiled shyly, his Spider-Man confidence gone as he blushed madly.

"I love you," he mumbled, the smile on his face brightening as I smiled back.

"You do? Like, for real?" I asked.

"Yeah," he chuckled as I blushed, smiling widely.

"That's good, cause I love you too," I smiled, pulling him close to me. He gripped my waist.

"Good," he smiled, placing a few kisses around my face as I laughed.

"Okay, time to clean you up," I pointed towards the scrapes, and he shrugged.

"Oh well. A minor price to pay for saving the city, and the girl I love," he beamed and I shoved him lightly.

"That was so gross,"


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