Loki gets a call

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Loki, adopted son of Odin, God of Evil known as The Trickster, stared in wonder at the golden shapes on his plate.

'Truly thy mortal culinary delights be as ambrosia to the gods. What call thee this most magnificent of dishes?'

The question was addressed to his young hacker friend David Lightman, who was currently seated opposite Loki and Eris, next to Mot, the Canaanite Death God.

'Uh, they're called Chicken Macnuggets Sir.'

Loki picked one up. 'And I needs must place it within yonder pot of delicious brown sauce?'

'The barbecue dip, yes.'

Suddenly a strange sound began to emit from the Trickster's pocket and Mot looked up in anger. 'What devilry be this? A disembodied bard methinks! But who be this Cotton Eyed Joe the voice sings of and why pose the question 'where did he come from and where did he go?'

'It's Mr Loki's new phone, Mr Mot,' David explained.

Loki raised a hand. 'Hold ye all, tis the Nightingale who doth call on my mobicular device.' He placed the Samsung Galaxy to his ear and listened, 'Aye? ... ah ... thou hast done well faithful one... Excellent ... aye ... thy mission be done so get thee gone with all speed ... aye, back to Olympus. Thou wilt be safe with Harmonia for the nonce.'

Eris leaned over. 'Good Master Loki, pray enlighten us. What news from Narnia?'

Loki turned to her with a satisfied look on his face. 'Tis meet, noble Eris. The Glass Cat and party hath slipped the snares of the foul Narnians and their pursuers who be of ursine and fey extraction. The Heist be on!'

Mot lifted his war axe in salute. 'Tis good news my lord. Now let us partake of these macnuggets and the fries from the mortal land of France in celebration. HO, SERVING WENCH!! Fetch thou more of the drink that men do call ... cola!'

'Hold Lord Mot,' Loki raised his hand again. 'Tis another call ... from my agent who doth spy pon the Glass Cat, lest that reflective beast do turn his shiny coat. Renard, thou art on speaker with mighty Mot - darklord of ancient Canaan, the beauteous and wild mistress of chaos Eris of the Olympiad, and young Master David Lightman, master of the war games .'

The Trickster listened, spoke, listened some more, questioned ... 'Uh huh ... tis passing strange ... aha ... I see. Very well, continue thy surveillance.'

At last he looked up.

Mot was puzzled. 'The beast speaks with such a thick tongue that I canst scarcely understand him. Tis said he hails from the same land as the fries.'

Loki nodded. 'Aye tis true, and such incomprehensible mouthings doth sorely test me but here be the gist. Though the Cat still seems loyal, the glass one hath picked up many strays and the final one be most perplexing. The fox doth relay that Bungle was on the verge of turning this George away, when the latter spake of another cat ... do we know an SC?'

They all shook their head.

'The fox was passing bemused that mention of a play ... Swan Lake, did seem to change the Cat's mind and then again on reaching the wood between worlds, once more didst the stranger George talk of Swans, thereupon the Glass Cat again seemed to ... what was the mortal expression ...'space out.' In truth Bungle did seem perplexed that the man George had gone along, ee'en though he hadst but a short while before given permission. They now prepare to find the pool to the next world.'

Eris mused. 'Thou shouldst text my lord and tell the fox, keep close watch on this George.'

Loki nodded. 'Aye, but first let us consume these delicious macnuggets lest they grow cold and congeal!'

Mot raised his axe again. 'AYE! So say we all!'

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