Part Two: They Stood at Babblingbrook

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They say no story is ever truly forgotten and certainly not acts of supreme bravery and courage. Even if such events should be overwritten with a brighter tomorrow, someone, somewhere will mark them and remember. Those acts and those who perform them, will, deservedly, pass into legend.

Such was the tale of the two who stood at Babblingbrook, for it is rightly said that 'No greater love hath rabbit, than he who lays down his life so that others might live.'

Fierce turned and looked up at Frank. 'I don't think Ozzie's coming.'

Frank nodded. The seven foot tall rabbit wasn't much of a conversationalist. 'Hare get away?'

Fierce looked at his watch. 'It's been about ninety minutes. They should have reached Toad's camp by now.'

'We go?' asked the muscular rabbit.

Fierce reached up and gently touched his friend's arm - he was five foot tall. 'Go if you want buddy. See those lights at the forest edge? Looks like we'll have company soon.' He paused, 'They need more time, so I'm staying.'

The hulk-like rabbit man nodded again. 'Frank stay too. Not leave friend ah ...ahlone.'

The whiskerless and tail-less smaller rabbit smiled sadly. 'You know what's going to happen if we stay.'

'Frank not scared. Fierce scared?'

Fierce hefted his AK 47. 'A bit, but y'know what, I'm angry too. Been angry all my damn life ... about time that worked for me.' He pulled a small bag from his pocket. 'These'll help Frank. I call em beserker shrooms - only use the damn things when I need an edge. Seems it's about that time.'


At the forest's edge the 19th century Mr Kurtz pointed and his 20th century namesake Colonel Kurtz scanned with his field glasses. 'Getting dark ... hard to make out, but yeah. I see em ... couple of guys by the Babbling Brook.'

Tupac used his own binoculars. 'Somea dem damn rabbitz. Send a few a them maw'fo elves in ta take em. The go'damn Mouse'll want ta know where them other bitches gone.'

Kurtz signaled to the Dark Elf commander. 'Ten men, forward and capture alive.'

The mercenaries and the elves that they had assumed command of in Loki's name, gathered around and to the side of Colonel Kurtz and Tupac. They stood quietly and watched as the ten advanced on the bridge by the edge of the Babbling Brook.

Suddenly the twilight sky was lit up and a streak of light whooshed forwards from the bridge. There was an explosion right in the midst of the advance patrol, which tore them to shreds.

Then a second burst of light ... and a third. The first of those exploded among the trees.

'Kill the lights! They're got a rocket launcher!' Kurtz screamed at his men.

The last burst found it's target and blasted the Colonel and Tupac off their feet. They and dozens of others shakily got up, but four or five elves and the other Kurtz didn't.

The mercs didn't need their field commander's orders, to begin scattering. Angrily the Colonel shook the Elf commander. 'How many do you have left?'

'Wh ... I ...'

'How many men left under your command?'

'Uh ... 90 or so.'

'Split them into three groups. Waves of 30. First group attacks now - two further groups to flank right and follow up in the centre. Tupac!'


'I can send the bulk of our mercenary force to flank left, lead them myself while you stay here with a few guards and the reserves.'

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