chapter two: meeting Monique

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As I reach in my bag, I look in the mirror and smirk. I look at the item I have in my hand, "brown looks good on me" I say aloud. I put on my brown wig then put in my brown eye contacts. I change my clothes into, a leather jacket and black boots.

Right now I am no longer Sophia Roberts but now I'm Monique Jones the most feared girl at west high

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Right now I am no longer Sophia Roberts but now I'm Monique Jones the most feared girl at west high. As I walk out of the bathroom I see a lot of students crowding a locker so I go over to see what they are looking at. As I walk over they all run away and I smirk to myself. Then I see two people, one of the two is lifting the other one by the collar pushed into the lockers. He is smiling wickedly at the other boy who is whimpering. I walk up to the boys, "Jay?" I say. The boy who was smiling turned to me.
"Yeah babe, I'm almost done here"Jay said. He then drops the boy on the floor and kicks him soon the boy runs away.

Jay turns to me and kisses me deeply, I kiss him back just the same. When then go to our next class. We are late but we don't care and I dared the teacher to say something about it. I walk over to a seat in the back and see Beth she looks at me with confidence, but I see right through her. I give her a hard glare then she gulps and looks at me nervously.
"Move"I say, she does as she is told and moves to another seat.
I put my feet on the desk while Jay sits next to me we both smirking wickedly. Jay and I are both on our phones not paying attention at all to the teacher. Class is over and we are the last to leave I told Jay that I ditching the rest of school he said OK.

While I am on my way to the exit of the school my name has been called. I turn around to see who it is and its the one the only Amber. She walks over to me nervously, I give her the death glare to make her regret calling me.
"Um....M-monique" she said nervously. I say nothing just standing and glaring, which makes her more nervous.
"W-will Y-you c-come to my birthday p-party? She said with a nervous smile and handing me an invitation. I snatched the invitation then walked away. Just then it hit me, I have the best plan in the history of evil plans. I smirk then walk into the bathroom to change back into Sofia.
I walk into the bathroom and I see girls when they see me they run off. I go into the stall and change back to my original clothes

 I go into the stall and change back to my original clothes

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I then took my wig off and took my contacts out. I am now again Sofia Roberts

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