Part 2- First Kill, I Love It

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     Before being kicked out, they at least let me bring some clothes. And by that I mean they let me choose what to wear before being kicked out. I wore a black jacket, black long sleeved shirt, black pants, and black boots. I also took my money I had saved up, which was about eighty dollars, and took the sharpest knives. They don't know that though. There were four sharp knives, two big and two skinny. Instead of a straight edge, it was bumpy sharp. Those are my favorite kind. After I got my stuff, they forced me out and locked the door. Maybe I could be a criminal, that would be way more fun than being a good guy or citizen. I walk down the side walk, I lived in a small town, not much here. Not even a Walmart. There are forests as well. My sleeves go down to my hand, so I hid one of the knives in my right sleeve, just in case. I touch my canine teeth, it's become a habit. They are probably as sharp as dog teeth. They get sharper and sharper as the years pass... I love it. I've always wanted sharp teeth, so I could bite someone hard enough to make them bleed. There's no need to hide it as I walk down the side walk, so I grin with an insane look in my eye. Some may hate it when they're called insane, but it's my truth, and I love it. I love being insane, crazy, violent... A monster. In my opinion, I'd rather be a monster than a human, for humans are waaay worse than monsters if you think about it.

     While walking past an alley way, someone grabs me, pulls me into the alley, and puts a gun to my head. They whisper to me, "Better be quiet girly, or this here bullet's gunna go into your head." I smirk, "Go ahead." He seems surprised, "What, you suicidal or somethin'?" I giggle darkly, "Nah, I just know that if I die like this, it'll get you caught. Someone would find my body, or send out a missing persons file, thus making them look for me, eventually finding you. So, kill me all you want, but you'll get found eventually... Especially without the strength or strategy to cover your crimes." He seems taken aback, "But you'll be dead." I grin, "Better than dying without someone going down with me. I'd rather not die by choking on a chicken bone." While he was surprised from my speaking, I slide the knife from my sleeve into my hand and stab his arm that held the gun. He screams and drops the gun so I kick it into a wall and it breaks. I turn to the guy who was most likely trying to molest me, "Time for your punishment~" He backs up to the wall then snaps out of it, "Oh no, I'm not lettin' a litt-"

     He was cut off by me cutting his right hand off. He screams as I grin, "Your right hand. The hand you used to point a weapon to my head." While he was distracted by his hand, I push him down and cut open his throat without hitting anything vital, then stick my hand in and pull out his vocal cords as he goes silent, only gasps of air coming from him. "Your voice. The voice you used to threaten me with." He begins to cry while clawing at his throat, then tries to punch me with his left hand, making me hold up my knife and his hand punching the knife, which makes him pull his hand back in pain. I then cut his left hand off. "Your left hand. The hand you attempted to harm me with." I turn to him and grin, my sharp teeth showing, and cut out his eyes. He screams and tries to kick me off, but I move out of the way as his eyes fall to the ground. "Your eyes. The eyes you used to watch me and see to move and know where to direct the previous things." I walk up to him, grab a rock, and bash his skull open, knocking him out. I take my knife and take his brain from his skull. "Your brain. The brain you used to think of the nasty thoughts you did when deciding to point a gun to my head." I grin again, "And last but not least," I say as he slowly dies in his sleep, "Your soul. The soul you used to live the disgusting life of yours." I giggle, only regretting that I couldn't see the light fade from his eyes.

     The weird thing is, after that my teeth got sharper and my nails began to get thicker and sharper, I also got frequent migraines. I had slept in trees since bugs have always avoided me.. I'm pretty sure that's because I used to test torture methods on grasshoppers. Guess they spread the word, or other insects found their mutilated bodies and spread the word. No idea. Since my nails are thicker and don't break easily anymore I use them to climb trees easier, since for some reason I've been finding it harder to bend my knees. I've been moving further and further away from my old home, further into the forest around the town I live in. But, three days later (I hunted for food, my claws and teeth make good weapons and apparently raw food doesn't hurt me) I figured out why I had migraines. I had wandered to a smaller town that was near my old town, I had forgotten about it since I didn't leave my town often. I decided to go to the town since I may be able to kill a few people. While walking, everyone I passed stared at me, or more specifically, my head. Some of them quickly shuffled away, eyes wide, and pulling their phones out.

     I decided to not be stupid and see what they were staring at, so I looked in a window and saw that there were three blade-like horns growing on my head, and they seemed to not be finished growing yet. I also saw that my shoulder length brown hair was changing to black from the roots and my pupils seem to have narrowed into slits, but stayed light blue. My ears also pointed a bit at the end. I grin at my image, happy at my new appearance, and decided to stay in the forest instead of the town. So, I walk through alleys and into the forest. I skip through the forest humming, when suddenly pain shoots through my legs and I collapse on the ground.

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