Part 8- First Demonic Battle

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     He teaches me how to travel through and control darkness, and says that I'm one of the fastest learners he knows. I learned how to control darkness to my will, and all that's needed now is to strengthen my control over darkness and make illusions. That would let me do more than just blind people, including making darkness condense into solid shadow. Can't do that now though, but I have accidentally shadow traveled into the human world a few times. After a bit of practicing, he tells me that we're going into the city, where all the demons are. So, we walk out of the big castle where the strongest five live and onto the streets, demons watching us as we walk by. There are many variations of demons, and I saw a lot of demons stealing things from others. "Oh, by the way, we don't have currency. Some demons may trade with others for what they need, but most of the time the stronger steals from the weak or they get their own things." I nod, watching some guy with grasshopper legs steal someone's meat and jump a long ways away, making the guy angry as he lights on fire and runs after them, making a streak of fire in his wake. All the while, no one seems surprised at this and just stays away from the fire. No one even bothers to put it out.

     I grin, "Whelp, this place is awesome. Way better than somewhere with rules and sh**." He smirks at me, "Well, since most demons are very old, we've grown too old to care about rules. So we just don't have them." I notice that even though.. Kuliko, I think, is just fourth in command, they still be careful not to mess with him or anyone who seems to be with him, like me. And I was hoping for a fight. "Hey, is there anywhere I can go for a fight?" He smirks, "Literally anywhere. Since the strongest demon, which is normally the King, can change the scenery by thinking of it, all houses you see here will immediately repair themselves after being damaged. Just find someone and pick a fight with them. Easy. No one will take anyone else's sh** though, so don't expect to be able to bully anyone like humans do just because you're with me." I grin at him, "Well, I'll do just that, then. Didn't wanna be a bully anyway, too boring." He sits down on a bench and gives a 'go on' motion with his hand.

     I look around as most demons stare at me, realizing what I'm doing. I spot someone and grin, taking off toward them and slicing my tail blade toward them. They dodge and I skid to a stop in front of them. It's a girl with her whole lower half deer legs and her hair is made of vines. I grin at her as she narrows her eyes at me, "Three types, huh? Think you're strong? Well, I'll just prove you wrong." The shadows from behind buildings extend until the whole ground around us is covered in shadows, and vines shoot from the ground as her vine hair floats up. I grin, "Well, I'm new to this, so I wouldn't be surprised if you did beat me." She raises an eyebrow, "You do know you can die in a demon fight, right?" I giggle, "Yeeep, that just makes it more fun." I run toward her and slice my tail blade towards her, being blocked by vines which were really strong, but my blade made it halfway through them. I get my blade out and slash again, this time using my speed type to make it stronger and my blade goes through the vines. The top half that was cut off falls onto the ground, showing that her hair vines pushed my tail away, resulting in her forehead getting scratched. I twirl to gain my footing and slash at her with the blade on my arm.

     The vines regrow, blocking my attack, but other vines also sprout up and start whipping at me. I giggle as I dodge them, and decide to see how quickly I can end this. I slash the vines with my tail blade, slicing them in half. I then go slightly slower and slice at the air, right as I do so darkness gathers on the ground and spits the nature girl out, disorientating her and allowing her to be sliced in half by my blade. I grin as the vines wither and turn brown. "Whelp, guess I won." My tail wags as I walk back over to... Ermmm... "Hey, I forgot your name again, What was it? Katie? Kukio? It started with a K.." He groans, "Kuliko! It's Kuliko!" "Ah, right. You gotta admit though, I was close." He sighs, "Come on." I follow him, knowing that I made an impression on these guys around us. If they were to find out that I'm a turned human, they'd know that even though I was once human, I have no problem with killing others. They may also think that I just hate demons, but I don't glare at them and I walk by this Kuliko guy normally, so they'd be a bit stupid to think so. But it would be a possibility. Oh well I'd better stop before I start ranting about possibilities.

     We walk back towards the training place after touring the city place. It was mostly just houses and a lot of random demons fighting each other. Though sometimes I'd see a few chairs disappear from under people, and Kuliko said that was one of the random occurrences that happens, like the random training course that appeared. Most people blame the King, though the same things happen even when the King is a demon who is too serious to do things like that. Anyway, Kuliko seems in a good mood and once we walk into the training room he starts ranting, "Oh, that fight was awesome! Not as long as other fights, but that just shows how good my teaching is! Just imagine how powerful you'll be with more practice and more of my teaching! Especially once you learn how to use your fire.. Wait, how are we going to train your fire part?" I shrug, "Don't one of the top fives have a fire type?" He shakes his head, "No, the King has wind, shadow, and.. Wait, does he have fire? I forgot.. You're rubbing off on me! Your forgetfulness is contagious!" We hear a chuckle, "Actually, I do have a fire type."

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 26, 2018 ⏰

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