Best Friends? (Connor Franta Fan-Fic)

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*May's Point of View*

My phone rang loudly, pulling me from my sleep. I groaned, looking at the clock on my bedside table. The bright red number read 3:24 am. I laid back, letting the phone ring for just a few more minutes before I bothered to make a move to answer it. But soon I caved, pressing the phone to my ear.

"Hello?" I asked, making it known that I was sleeping.

"Hey, are you sleeping?" a male voice asked. I knew exactly who it was: Connor. Connor and I have been best friends for 10 years, but I was still confused as to why he was calling me at 3 am.

"No, I'm skydiving," I replied, rubbing my eyes. I could hear him huff on the other end.

"No need for the sass, but get up. I have a surprise for you, and you have to come. I'm waiting for you, so hurry," he said, hanging up on me. I groaned loudly, rolling out of bed and onto the floor. What did he have to show me at this time in the morning?

But still, I got up and made my way to my closet, opening the doors and searching through the endless amount of clothes. I decided on wearing a dark blue long-sleeve shirt with blue jeans. I threw my black hair into a ponytail and slipped into my black converse. Grabbing my phone, I opened my window and looked down at the ground, where Connor was waiting for me.

"Come on, we have to move quickly. This is going to be really cool," he said, smiling like an idiot. I slowly made my way down the side of my house, being careful not to fall. When I was just a few feet from the ground, I jumped off, landing with a soft 'thump'.

"Where are we going?" I asked. Connor didn't answer, but instead took my hand, leading me down the alley behind my house. I didn't know where we were going, but I was happy I was with my best friend.

We walked in silence for several more minutes, dodging cars and keeping to the back streets and alleys. After what seemed like forever, I could hear yelling in the distance. I couldn't make out what they were saying, but I knew that they were cursing loudly.

The yelling seemed to be coming from inside an abandoned warehouse. The lights were off, but you could see lights from inside. The yelling got louder as we approached the door, slowly opening it and stepping inside.

The lights were coming from large stage lights the hung on the ceiling, just over a large square-shaped stage that was surrounded by ropes. Two tall men stood in the center, small gloves covering their thick hands. There was a lot of people in the room, everyone yelling at the two men.

Connor and I made our way around the people, trying to get closer to the stage. We couldn't hear the men talking over the roar of the crowd, but it seemed as if they were fighting with each other. Soon, a smaller man stood in between them, talking to them softly and quietly. The two men nodded, taking a step back from each other. They shook hands, and that's when it started.

Everyone got louder, and one of the men threw a punch, hitting the other man in the middle of his right cheek. He wasn't down long, as he retaliated with a hard blow to his left cheek, another to his stomach, and one last one right below his eye. He staggered back, leaning against the ropes for support, but the other man didn't stop. He continued to throw punch after punch, kick after kick, until the other man was coughing up blood.

That's when I got scared. There was blood everywhere, and that one man was getting severely hurt. I felt tears prickle my eyes as I looked away. Soon, a thin hand snaked its' way into mine. I slowly looked down to see Connor's hand intertwines with mine. I looked up just in time to meet his eyes.

"It's fine. You won't get hurt," he said. I believed him. I gave him a small smile and turned back to the fight before me. The one man was still coughing up blood, and the other was still attacking him. After a few more minutes, the smaller man from before stood in the ring, pulling the man that was winning away from the other, who was now unconscious with a large cut on his head. The crowd got even louder as the man raised his arm, a smirk of victory covering his face.

The man ran off the stage and disappeared into the crowd, and everyone started moving towards the exit at the same time, pushing on me and Connor. We were jostled around for a few seconds before we were shoved to the ground, me on top of Connor. Even through everyone still yelling and fighting to get to the door, I couldn't help but laugh.

As soon as we fell, Connor's face turned bright red. I found it funny, and I placed a hand on his chest as I laughed. Soon he started laughing with me, and we were just laying on the floor, laughing.

But we couldn't stay there for long, so I got up and pulled Connor with me, holding on to his hand tightly. There were still a lot of people fighting to get outside, and it didn't take long for us to get caught in the traffic. Men were yelling at us, telling us to move. I soon lost my sense of direction, and I depended completely on Connor to lead me out of this strange and foreign building.

Scary women and scarred men gave us mean looks as we tried to move, making me shrink back in fright.

"Connor," I whimpered, trying to get his attention. Sadly, with as many people as there was still in the building, he didn't hear me. The shoving continued, until I was completely forced away from Connor, letting go of his hand and getting lost in the crowd.

"Connor. Connor!" I yelled trying to get his attention. "CONNOR!" he couldn't hear me over the crowd, and I couldn't see or hear him anymore. I was still being shoved around, until my leg was kicked out from under me and I landed face-first in the dirty ground. I kept getting kicked in the head by random people, who refused to let me stand up.

"Connor," I whispered, so quietly I could barely hear it. That was the last thing I could remember before I felt a sharp kick in the back of my head, knocking me unconscious.


"May? May, are you alright? May, please answer me," a small voice said. I slowly opened my eyes, trying to see who the voice belonged to.

"Connor?" I whispered. His face lit up when he heard me speak, burying his head into my neck.

"Oh my God, you're okay. I thought I'd lost you," he said, shedding tears on my shirt. I chuckled softly.

"Connor, I'm fine. I'm okay," I said, pushing his head back so I could look into his eyes, which were swimming in a pool of tears. It was then that I noticed that we were still in the old warehouse, but only it was empty this time.

"It's my fault. I shouldn't of let you go. I'm so sorry," he rambled, which I found cute.

"Connor, it's not your fault. I'm fine, trust me," I said, playing with his hair. He calmed down quickly after that.

"I promise you, as long as I'm around, you'll never get hurt. I will always protect you," he said, staring deep into my eyes. I believed him, knowing that he would never let me get hurt after this.


Hey! This isn't my first story, but it's definently my favorite!

Enjoy the story. Comment, vote, do what you want.

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