Shrinky dinky diddly do

37 2 8

Yes, yes I'm sorry this isn't going to be a chapter. I'm working on one though and it should be out on Saturday💙💙

Thanks to Cheerybae for tagging me!!!


1. You have to post the rules.

2. You cannot tag the person who tagged you.

3. You cannot post your response in the comments section.

4. You have to do it in a week.

5.Post 13 things about yourself

6.Come up with a creative title.

7. Do not change the rules.

8. Tag 13 people


1 I'm a Gemini! Born May 21st

2 I have a younger brother who is going to be in 7th grade.

3 I play the clarinet!!! I'd like to think I don't sound like Squidward. I won the Director's award for my school, and played several solos throughout the year.

4  I have medium, curly dark brown hair and brown eyes.

5 I live in Virginia, but was born in Pennsylvania. WE ARE PENN STATE!!!

6 I played Zazu in the Lion King at my school last year, (Yes I even did the British accent.)

7 On my 10th birthday I broke my arm playing tag. I went to go down the slide, but I went so fast, I just went right over the edge.

8 My favourite movie (s) would probably have to be either Star Wars or Captain America Civil War.

9 As of right now my favourite book series would have to be Confessions of a Murder Suspect, (The title of the first book) by James Patterson. It is AMAZING, be sure to check it out.

10 Favourite show would have to be: Doctor Who. But my guilty pleasure shows include, The Amazing Race, Big Brother, NCIS, The Bachelor/ette, Dance Moms, and TBBT.

11 My favourite thing to learn about would have to be Geography. I participated in the National Geography Bee this past Spring, and was one of the ten girls to reach the State finals.

12 I have a Golden Lab Mix dog, who is 21 months old. Her name is Daisy, and she likes to chase lights and squrriels.

13 I'm entering high school in August, and proud to Be a Colgan High School shark! I'm also doing marching band.



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⏰ Last updated: Jul 20, 2017 ⏰

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