Chapter Five

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"Told ya you can't beat me"
Toby bragged while holding onto his knees to catch his breath.
I came in second and wanted to catch my breath too but my focus wandered off to nate.Me and toby were really panting hard from the long run which we had gotten used to already but nate looked like he was going to collapse the next minute.One second he was breathing really hard still trying to smile at toby for his victory and then another second he was whizzing frantically and to my surprise took out an inhaler from his back pocket.I froze in time as I watched him pressing the little tube with all his might like his life depended on it.wait,it did depend on it.He struggled breathing and by the movement of his chest it looked like his pulse might have increased to like a hundred per minute.And what was I doing about it,nothing.Nate was dying in front of me and the best I could do was stare at him as if he had turned into a unicorn.My body was still negotiating on how it was going to move when I noticed his breathing steading.That was when I felt my arm hurt only to look and see toby squeezing my arm tightly as if I would disappear if he loosened his grip and he also had a look of surprise mixed with a bit of fear.Nate stood up brushed the dirt off his clothes then walked over to us smiling as if nothing happened.

   " have asthma??"I stammered still in shock.
  "Uuhhmm yah,kinda but it's nothing serious so you better stop looking at me like I just came back to life".
"I'm.....I'm....sorry I...I made you run all that almost died because of me."

I dint notice the tears which had escaped and were now running down my cheeks uncontrollably.I felt like a really terrible person.

", almost died?..come on tory you can't get rid of me that easily and besides none of this is your fault."

"I just think you should go home nate....please".
"But tory....the pota...".
"Please,just go".
After what just happened I thought it was better for him to leave.The shock I had was replaced with anger.I mean,the guy was laughing acting like nothing had happened.Who does that. Only jerks like him I guess.but he was a good looking jerk.

Nate walked away from us throwing a couple of glances over his shoulder until he disappeared from our site.I exhaled heavily not aware of how long I've been holding my breath. Trying to pretend like none of that 'Nate about to die' fiasco happened I turned my focus back to the farm.Bending down, I used my bare hands to dig out the potatoes. The process was really messy but I was used to it already.Was actually kinda grateful that I sent nate away,it would have been really embarrassing for my crush to see me drilling through the ground like a chicken just to get my lunch.
Toby came beside me and followed the drill. About an hour later we had harvested enough potatoes for our lunch and supper. Toby helped me place the karai we had placed the potatoes in on my head and we started our trip back home. The midday sun shone mercilessly on us soaking our already dirty clothes in sweat. I looked down at my brother as we were walking and saw him lazily wiping off sweat from his forehead with his dirty hands then trying to cover his face from the scorching sun.He was just doing zero work.And he knew that. But he just wanted to create a false mentality that watever he was doing was helping even if it wasn't. I was heartbroken when I saw that. He was only a small child,he didn't deserve any of this. He deserved a normal childhood just like any other normal kid with a normal family.But I couldn't provide any of that to him.Nothing about our family was normal.It was completely broken. Broken beyond repair.
Toby looked up at me and smiled. That did it.The tears I was holding back broke loose.How?how does he still manage to smile. Luckily for me my tears camouflaged with the sweat all over my face.Right there and then I promised myself that I would do whatever it takes to give toby a good life.I mean anything.

That afternoon as toby was having a nap (not that there was anything better for him to do since none of the kids wanted to play with him and he had no toys)I lay silently beside him just staring at his little face.I know it's kinda weird but how could I not. I had just finished cleaning up the dishes and washing up myself.
It is then that my thoughts wondered off again.

"There is no way I am going to give us a better life just by staying in this hellhole of a home. If I want to succeed I must go to the big city. I have heard many stories of people who have gone to the city miserable but come back with big cars.Maybe I could also come back driving a big car."An ear to ear smile spread across my face at that thought and I could feel my eyes sparkle with excitement." But who will I leave Toby with?No, my brother never stays behind, he's the only family and friend I truly have.that drunkard abuser doesn't count. But what about the money to go there?wait....the little money I have been keeping for an emergency. Surely this is an emergency.So we'll leave, next week.No,tomorrow morning before the break of dawn, yes early tomorrow."
I stroked toby's face as he slept peacefully yet he still looked troubled and whispered to him,
"It will all be over soon",.

Little did I know how wrong I was.The troubles was just about to begin.

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