Chapter Three

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I opened my eyes to the sweet chirping of the birds but I couldn't see anything.Why couldn't I see anything.I panicked and closed my eyes then opened them again.Oh,it was just the bright rays from the sun.phewks!..I tried moving my body but a sharp throbbing pain in my head stopped me.I struggled and finally managed to stand up enough to look at my reflection in the mirror above the sink.I nearly screamed when I saw a scary looking girl,dark sunken eyes probably due to lack of proper sleep with an unruly afro and a big bruise covered with dry blood.And that's when all the previous nights events came playing back in my mind.I must have hit the sink when daddy tossed me.Wait Toby where was he,I remember seeing him cry last night before I blacked out.I quickly headed to the small space occupied with a table and four wooden seats which we referred to as our living room but no sign of Toby.My pulse rate increased as panick rose in me.Oh my God,oh my God,what if he came back and took him,what if something bad has happened to him,what if....oh no i'll kill myself.I went to the tiny closet like room we slept in with my brother but he wasn't there.By now all my senses had switched off I could not think straight.I slid down at the door and brought my knees up to my chest then started rocking back and forth like a sociopath which I will turn to if I didn't see my brother in the next ten minutes.Then I heard some murmuring outside the door,I wanted to jump up and go check if it was Toby but my legs would not cooperate.All I could do was just sit still and pray to God that it was my brother.The murmuring finally stopped and I could hear someone opening the door.
  "Tory where are you?I made some breakfast for you",.
I breathed a sigh of relief as I heard Toby's voice.I thought I would never get to hear that voice again.
  "There you are",he said walking towards me with a tray.I could not quite see what was in it but the air smelled of eggs and cocoa.But we can't afford such a breakfast.Immediately he placed the tray down,I wrapped my arms around his tiny body kissing his face like a million times.He was the only reason I was still living if anything ever happened to him I would kill myself instantly.
"Okay okay tory that's enough you will squeeze me to death if u continue any longer",He said wearing a broad smile which only made me want to cuddle him up like a teddybear and never let him go but I knew I had to scold him.
"Where did you go,do you know how worried sick I was of you"
"I am sorry Tory,after you fainted last night I got really terrified and could do nothing but cry myself to sleep",.That's when I noticed,his eyes were swollen.poor boy"Then this morning when I tried waking you up,you still were not responding.I got scared and thought that you were dead.So I went outside crying really loudly trying to find someone who could help you and that's when that boy who lives in that beautiful house saw me",He pointed to the other side of the fence."I explained everything that happened last night to him then...",
"Wait, you told him everything that happened last night!!",I cut him off shocked.Great, now he knows me as the psycho girl who lives in that old ugly house and has a drunkard who abuses her everyday for a father."And I also told him about mom",Toby added looking really proud of himself.I felt like disappearing from the face of the earth.Now he also knows about my runaway mother,super great.
"I'm not done Tory stay with me here",Toby was oblivious to what he had just done to me I decided to listen to what else he had done.It couldn't get any worse...could it?.
"So he entered the house (yaap it just got worse) and touched you around the neck and on you're wrist I don't know why but then he told me not to worry because you're still alive and just needed to rest a bit more.I was so happy and wanted to surprise you by making breakfast for you but then there was nothing in the house",please let it not be what I'm thinking, please let it not be what I'm thinking...."So he went over to his house and brought three eggs and some cocoa then he went into the kitchen and cooked it for you.After he was done his eyes were really red and teary and I asked him if I had offended him but he said that it was just the smoke from the kitchen.He said he'll go back home and freshen up then come and check up on you then he left.I love him so much,he has a really good heart."
I had a really hard time taking in what Toby had just told me.First of all Nate as I liked to call him in my many fantasies,had just found out about our ugly family situation,second of all he had seen the terrible condition our house was in from last night's commotion with daddy and the so last century furniture we owned quite an irony since daddy was a carpenter.Third of all and most importantly nate touched me!Just the thought of it brought shivers to my body.I know he was all rich and cute and so out of my league but a girl can dream can't she.
"Hey are you gonna eat this breakfast or what",toby said snapping me out of my reverie.Half of the eggs had already found their way into his stomach and he was having no mercy on the cocoa either.I understood how hungry he was since he basically didn't have supper last night.I too felt like I could eat a whole cow but I had to look out for my brother first.I poured myself a little cocoa then cut off a small piece of the egg and convinced toby that I wasn't hungry at all.I decided to tidy up the house and the dress I was wearing was only getting in my way so I changed into my shorts and a crop top.All worn out I mean,everything around here was.I started by bending down to the floor to pick up the dishes but then a strong strawberry scent hit my nostrils.I loved it.When I stood back up an incredibly handsome nate stood there.My senses switched off again and I think my breathing stopped too.Damn!

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