Chapter seven

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It was still dark outside so I guessed it was probably around 4 in the morning.After the dream I had,I couldn't really go back to bed.That and I also had a mixture of emotions running through my body about our journey.Is it the excitement of finally going to the city?is it anxiety of knowing what the city held in store for us?is it fear of what my father would do if he found out what I was planning or is it sadness of never seeing nate again?lets just say it was all of them.I said a short prayer to God,let out some air through my mouth then started out with the packing.We really didn't own much so it wasn't really a hard task.After tying the worn out ragsack which held everything we owned I woke toby up and gave him some little water to wash his face.We could not afford to risk buying time for my father to find us by taking a shower.After all was done and I was satisfied the house was neat I closed the door behind us and held his hand.I could hear the beating of my heart through my ears.This was it.

I found my way to the bus stop easily in the darkness since I knew every nook and cranny of this village.Apart from a ruggedly man sleeping face down near the trash and a slender woman standing beside us there was no other sign of life around the bus station.This was a really slow village and not many people travelled to the city.I had no clue as to when the bus was coming or wether it was even coming.Still holding toby's hand I approached the woman and tapped her gently on her arm.

"Excuse me ma'am,I was wondering if you could assist us",

"Ofcourse love,how can I be of assistance"
The lady had a thick british accent which I immediately fell in love with.For a split second I thought it would be no use asking her for assistance since she was clearly not from here and was probably as blank as I was but though I could still not see her face clearly through the dark something about the lady felt safe and assuring.

"Might you know when the bus will be here??"
"Yah,the first bus will be here in around 5 min.But where's your mother,don't you think it's a little risky for you two angels to be here this early all alone!"

I pretended not to have heard her question and said a quick thankyou to her only to go and stand a few feet beside her.It was kinda awkward and I really wanted to keep talking to the lady perhaps even get some information about the city but at the same time I really didn't want to talk about my mother with a stranger.I mean what would I even say about her.A rattling sound like that of an old tin can being dragged cut through my thoughts.The bus was here.It came to a halt right in front of me and like everything in this village it was not much to look at.The sides which I figured at one time were red were now a rusted brown.The windows were either cracked or not there at all and I couldn't help but notice that the bus was totalled on the left side at the front like it had just narrowly survived a head on collision which would have otherwise be fatal.
Toby gently tugged at my hand diverting my attention from the bus and onto him.He pointed at a slender man with brown dirty dreadlocks which I could have sworn I saw something crawling into.The man was doing some hand gestures to me and though I could not quite place what he meant  I assumed he was asking if we were going so I nodded to him,threw the ragsack which acted as our suitcase on my shoulder and walked towards the man gathering all the confidence I had.

"Excuse me sir,is this bus headed for the city?"

"No it's headed for France",

I bulged my eyes at him only to receive a deep "nkt"

"Ofcourse we are headed for the city you stupid kid now get out of my face before I slap you silly".

I swallowed the lump in my throat then quickly grabbed toby's hand and proceeded to enter the bus.I actually had alot of questions I wanted to ask but I also didn't want to be silly.
"Don't worry tory I'm sure he's just having a bad day".Toby said looking up at me.I smiled at him but deep inside I thought the man was just naturally wicked,I mean,how can you have a bad day and it's only around 5 in the morning for crying out loud.

The inside of the bus was nothing better than the outside not like I expected much either way.I guess I was right judging this book by it's cover.We took a seat right next to the door since technically we didn't know where we were going.I instructed Toby to sit on my laps in an attempt to save money by paying the fare only for one person.Toby started making shapes with his fingers and I just looked outside the window at the ruggedy man who was now awake and staring into space.I started wondering what his life was like before he became so miserable and what could have probably happened to make him like this.I felt a light tap on my shoulder and quickly backed away looking in the direction I had been tapped from.Since mom left us and dad...well... became who he was I have been pretty insecure about almost everything and my senses are always on edge.Heat rushed up my face and I wished I was invisible when I came face to face with the slender lady we had met outside.
"I'm sorry young miss it wasn't really my intention to startle you are you alright?".
I tried to answer back but all I could manage was to smile awkwardly and nod at her.
"Good...would u mind if I sit next to you?"she asked and once again all I could manage was to shake my head at her.
Tory what the hell is wrong with you now I'm sure she thinks you are a total creep.

We sat in an awkward silence for about ten minutes before I decided it was too much and I needed to redeem myself.I cleared my throat a couple of times tapping my fingers nervously on my thighs as I tried to figure out what to say.

"So....uuhm...have you ever been to the city before?"yaay congratulations tory so much for reediming yourself.I mentally beat myself but still waited for her to respond.
"Yeah I have,I actually live and work there",she responded smoothly.
"Can you please tell us more about the city?"Toby asked now looking at the lady in awe.

"Well ofcourse young man" she replied pinching him gently on his cheeks making him giggle.

"The city is a really big place filled with so many different kinds of people.It is a wonderful place full of love and hope for the future.With new surprises every morning at the break of dawn.But the city can also be cruel,wicked and merciless.Evil waiting for you at every corner you make.Hatred printed on every face you see.Your only prayer at every sunset is to see another sunrise."

By now the lady was looking into space as if just thinking about the city brought back some other memories.Mostly unpleasant I guessed.And as Toby just stared at her blankly I looked down on the floor thinking.

Am I making the right decision?Maybe our destiny is to stay here in the village.What evil was she talking about?Maybe we should just go back home.

As I heard the car engine start the decision was made for me.It was too late to turn back now.

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