Chapter IV

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This is the hardest day of all ! I swear , I couldn't sleep all night and when I was getting asleep I was having the baddest nightmares you can have , when I woke up it's seems like Lisa was standing along on the couch while Chaeng was standing on the floor , looking at her phone and smilling I didn't bothered to ask , cause it's semply to see that they didn't speak with each other , or they are mad , or Lisa is jealous cause Chae isn't paying attention to her..

As today I'm free , I walked at you , this time without Flowers , cause the place from where I was taking them was closed , as I got in , HeoYeon looked at me amused "No flowers this time Jennie ?" "Nope , unfortunately it is closed..." I said while facing the floor , she got up from her chair and come next to me , lifting my chin "Don't be sad..I'm sure she won't mind , as she knows you and you're telling her everything ! " I smiled , while she comforted me then she went down at her chair , while I bid my goodbye and went into the elevator...

As I got there , your sister was here "Jennie ! It's been a long time since I didn't see you" she said coming next to me and she hugged me "I know Unnie , it's been a long time , I'm sorry that the flowers are gone , it's close.."

We stayed next to you and we chatted , of course , with you too , but you didn't answer or make funny jokes , as you always do... "Jennie ? Are you okay ?" Unnie asked me , shaking me a big "Y-Yes , no...No , Unnie , I'm not okay...I don't want her to see me like this , but it's very hard for me , I really miss her , I really want to see her smile , her taste , I really , really want to hear her voice again , to hear her making goofy jokes..." She just smile at me , petting my cheek with her thumb "Jennie-ah...we all miss her , I know how hard it's for you , but we are all here for you Jennie ! She's gonna be good , I promise !"

,, It's so hard for me Jisoo , knowing you there , trying to survive , I know you're trying this for me , but I know that is hard for you too , fighting for life..."

I Will Love You Forever / JenSooWhere stories live. Discover now