Chapter IX

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The next day , ChaeLin has convinced Jennie to stay at home today , while ChaeLin was finish her tasks , but the atmosphere at home wasn't that beautiful , as Lisa decided to stay with Jennie much today , as she can make her feel more good , but Jennie wasn't Responding to anything...

"Unnie ?" Lisa asked slowly , without bothering Jennie much from her Laptop "What is Lisa ?" Jennie said while Searching something on her Laptop "I wanted to command food for us , do you want something to eat ?"

Jennies's POV

"I wanted to command food for us , do you want something to eat ?" Lisa has asked me , of course I want something to eat , but my stomach is feeling full , even if I didn't eat for days "No , but buy what you want , I will pay" "Unnie you need to eat , isn't good for you...Please..." She tried to convince me , hugging me thightly , but it isn't working , I nodded negative while I was again finishing an email..

She didn't move further from me , she keeped hugging me while she was talking with a guy from the Thai restaurant she wanted to eat "Ye , 3 bowls ! Thank you !" I heard her saying while I looked at her , then she closed her phone looking at me with a poker face , then we heard the door opening , we looked at it while Chae-Young was entering the house , as she saw us she stopped and looked at us with anger , Lisa instantaneously stopped hugging me while she has letted her head down , facing the floor...

Chae-Young Runned as fast as she could into her room , I tried to get up to talk with her , but Lisa pinned me against the couches back and she got up fast and run after Chae-Youngie , I wanted to go and see if everything is okay , but as I got up someone knocked at the door , it's was the food guy , I payed with my card then I went at the door of Chae-Young's room , and I started to hear screams..

"Shut up ! Just shut up ! I don't want to see you anymore !" I heard Chae screaming , I don't know why , but I started to breath hard and to shake.."Chae , why are you so jeaulos ? We aren't even together anymore and plus I'm not with Jennie , I'm just trying to help her , why can't you see how she's feeling ? " Lisa was calm , but this wasn't chilling me at all.." Shut up , Lisa ! She's very good , I know you were cheating on me with Her ! That's the reason why you stayed late night in her room , I don't even want to know what happen that time !" Chae was screaming "What ?! No ! Never ! I never cheated on you ! Yes , I stayed up late into her room , but you know why ? Cause I'm her friend and I think it's normal to be there for her when she needs to ! You know all that nights ? She cried ! She was calling me into her room so she can speak and let everything out at somebody that is listening to her , did you know how much she has asked me what is happening with you and I didn't know what to answer ? What type of Friend are you ? You are saying about me that I was cheating with you , but when I find you flirting with that Guy ? That isn't cheating ??" I could her Lisa's voice trembling , like she's ready to cry...

Then it's was silence , until Lisa decided to break it "When she has need a shoulder to cry , I didn't was there because of you ! Did you get that no one of us was there when she needed us ? As she's coming into my room in the night so she can get some sleep , do you know how hard is for her ? We aren't doing nothing , stay calm , but did you know she's scared to sleep alone ? She's feeling the guilt for not coming with Jisoo that day ? Can you see that she isn't eating for more than 1 week ? Please...stop with this thing and be next to her , she's asking me barely everyday what's wrong with you ? that she needs you next to her ? Yes , she's having me , Her parents , Jisoo's sister , ChaeLin , but she needs you too !" She was Scolding Chae-Young , I heard someone puffing and somebody tried to open the door , I started to run into the living , taking the bags and putting them down..

"The food is here , Lisa " I said while facing her "oh , okay , Then I let's eat" she said taking one of them and went to Chae-Young as she screamed at her that the food is here and she needs to eat "Did something happen ?" I asked while I was giving her the chopsticks from the pocket "Thanks , no , Everything is already , she's just tired , that's all" why she's lieing ? Why she doesn't want to tell me the truth...

"Unnie ? Let's eat" I looked at her with wide eyes , then I nodded negative way , then she sighed "Look , If you aren't eating , I'm not gonna eat , for me.." she said while she was about to cry..I didn't say nothing , she sighed again as she took the last pocket went to it next to me and she sat down very close to me , opening it while she was trying to feed me , I smirked a bit while I allowed her to feed me , she was happy that I was finally eating after so much time !

As she was feeding me , Chae-Young went out of her room , while wipping her tears coming in front of us , making us to look at her , I wanted to ask her why is she sad but she took it fast "You aren't name it Cheating ? While you two are holding hands and now you're feeding her ?!" I can see the jeaulosy that she's having , I wanted to spoke again , but Lisa is fast "Chae-Young , please don't start a fight here.." she said while putting the chopsticks and the pocket down "To not start a fight ? Look who's speaking ! All of this is happening because of you !" She said pointing at me , I started to shake again and Lisa saw that "Shut up , isn't her fault, is yours and Jimins fault ! All of this fights that we are having are happening because you two !" Lisa said while she got up "You bitch ! My fault ?! "

I covered my mouth when I heard Chae swearing , she never did it , but something is Happening with her , Lisa wanted to speak but I got up with tears in my eyes and shaking "Stop ! I can't support you two anymore ! While I'm here suffering for Jisoo , you two are still fighting ! Do you think this is helping me or you two ! I don't want to see you anymore !" I said while I started to cry bad , still shaking I runned out of the house , I didn't know where to go , but because I was having my car keys into my pocket I went in the parking lot and I entered the car , crying my soul out , trying to stop from shaking...

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