Chapter XII

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Jennies's POV

I woke up in a white space , I couldn't see nothing more , just white , white all over ! The dirt under my gets started to move , while it dragged me into a park , I looked confused around while I walked next to bench , I didn't sit on it , I just looked at it z but someone catched my waist , hugging me , I turned around and see Jisoo !

"J-Jisoo ?!" I said hugging her , while crying "I'm here Jennie..." She said while breaking the hug "Don't cry baby , be strong " she said , holding my hands "B-But h-How ?!" I asked while she makes me sign to sit down "Jennie , don't cry for me ! strong..Im here to protect you !" She said hugging me again tightly "h-How ? I thought y-you- ?" "Yes , baby , I'm not next to you anymore , but it's doesn't means I'm not in love with you or protect you anymore ! , You see , I know you want to find out what happened to me , and you're gonna find , tomorrow morning , wake Lisa and Chae-Young fast , look into my bookshelf , in the back is a big box , open it ! There you have anything that you need to know " she said , petting my back "B-But why ? Why did you let me here ?" I cried bad "Baby...Don't cry , okay ? I need you to be strong , I don't have much time , okay ? Promise me that you are gonna love me forever !" "I will ! I love you forever Jisoo , why don't you have much time ? Why can't you stay with me forever ?" I said while pinning her T-shirt into mine "Look , Jennie , here things aren't that easy , that's why I can't stay more , and I need to you to promise me an another thing , Never leave Lisa and Chae-Young , okay ? They will protect you , and no , the don't know whats happening , that's why I'm putting you to woke them up with you in the morning !"

"I promise" she smiled "Jennie , don't forget that...I love you ! And I will love you forever ! No matter what ! I'm next to you ! And I'm gonna try to see as much I can ! I promise ! And as you know , I'm keeping my promises " I nodded smiling , then she kissed me ! A kiss that I never felt ! After she broke it up , she got up form the bench top and started to walk away , as she turned around to face me , biding me goodbye , then she disappeared !

The world started to move again , making me to fall into a dark space , as I started to hear Lisa's voice "Calm down , Jennie , we are next to you ! " She said "I'm wondering what's she's dreaming.." I heared Chae's voice this time "I don't have any idea , I guess we will probably find out in the morning..."


Hi Guys ! As you probably believe right now , is a chapter that shows Jennie's dream in it ! I think we will find out later or tomorrow about what happened with Jisoo and if Jennie would be good !

I Will Love You Forever / JenSooWhere stories live. Discover now