What Started a Long Story[TAORIS]

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  • Dedicated to Maisarah Sarangbf

Hihi guys I haven't even completed the first chapter yet due to writer's block so to compensate for Chapter 1,I have decided to write a one-shot for you.

Anyway,the inspiration for this came when I keep saying "BURN!" in school since Thursday and now...

It includes my UB cutting himself and a lot of other negative stuff,but there will be a happy ending!!!



Kris' PoV

"Kris-ge,can you take me to the Gucci store?They just released their summer collection!!!"Tao pleads while I'm using my phone to upload a post on my weibo account(follow me on Weibo please it's Safyre).

"Go yourself panda you're not even a teenager anymore,"I snap.

"Pwease?"Tao aegyos and buing buings me.It always work,so I bloody well agree.

I let him grab his wallet and phone before we both head to the nearest Gucci store. It's usually dangerous to walk due to sasaengs but now,in the afternoon,most should be at work to earn money so they could stalk us.

I really hate that type of fans,so much so that I was chanting,"Burn sasaengs,burn" like a mantra in my head.

However,I fail to notice that by thinking that Tao starts to wimper in pain.Before we even reach the first turn,he's starting to cry.

"Yah,what's wrong,jagiya?!"I snap,annoyed. Tao is the crybaby of EXO(no offense and besides,Tao is my UB okay?)and the members always come to me when this occurs.

"M-my leg..."Tao blubbers,"S-something burnt it..."

"But your leg is covered!How can it be burnt?!"I ask.

Oh hell no...it isn't possible.Did I burn him with just my thoughts?Aish,stupid Dragon powers,I think.

"Can you turn back time then?"I ask.

"It wo-won't work!!!As long as the injury is a part of my body,it won't work!!!"Tao screams hysterically.


10minutes and 21 seconds later...

Tao is in his room,sleeping.Or so I thought...

Tao's PoV

I pretend to sleep when Kris checks up on me.It's easy for me to do so as I don't really snore when asleep,but I do drool a bit so I force a few drops of saliva through my lips and down my cheek.

I hear the door close and the footsteps fading away.

Kris must have burnt me on purpose for begging him to follow me to the Gucci store. Why,oh why am I such a big fan of Gucci?!I think.

I know I am burnt but my emotions are bubbling over me,so much so that I decide to cut myself.I take out a hidden razor from my drawer.

I have not cut myself for a long time since SM decided to force me to train harder, which was 4 years ago.I can still remember that time,where I went as far as carving the words,Cowardly Failure,on my left and right wrists,respectively.

The wounds have long since healed,but the scars still remain...

I run the blade over my left wrist,tracing the words with it as though to resummon a spirit.Tears run freely down my wrists, as I bite my lower lip to keep from whimpering,and alerting Kris and the others to what I'm doing.

My own lips are bleeding from being cut. However,as an ex-cutter,I know that the pain will at least relieve the whirlwind of thoughts and emotions running through my body.


Do I love him?Should I tell Kris...But what if he rejects me?!

With that,I carve another word,fool,on my right wrist.

"What are you doing?"Kai's voice suddenly rings out of nowhere.

Damn that bastard.He must have teleported into my room.Fuck...what do I do?

Stop the time?

Kai's PoV

I see Tao pondering over whether to stop time or not.Thing is,I already know...

Just 10 minutes ago...

"Ayo wassup Krease!"I cheerfully sang as I warped into Kris' room.

"My feels are up."Kris sniffs sadly.

His eyes are...red.I mean,red on his pupils. It's a sign that my bestie is under serious emotional depression.Or it could even be a negative feeling,as in anger.He can even will it to turn red when he wants to...because,you know,dragons and their stupid advantages(LOL).

"Waeyo?What happened?"

"Uh...I'm not sure you want to hear..."

"Just tell me and don't delay it like Safyre KX always does,"Kai warns.

"O-ok.So Tao was borhering me to go shopping for Gucci with him.I accidentally burnt his leg while thinking 'Burn Sasaengs,burn!'So now I ruined my chance of getting with Tao,"Kris explained.

"Hyung,you should go see Tao now.He's cutting himself!"I urge.

You see,I heard Tao's side of the story as well.He suspected that Kris probably hates him due to the burn.

Suddenly,I feel the shift.

Tao's PoV

I stop the time,making sure that I'm satisfied with my own cuts first and the blood has all been wiped and the cuts,cleaned,leaving only faint scars behind.I suspect that Kai (Xin Sorry can't resist people)probably already told Kris what happened.Remind me why do I trust our very own Kkamjong again?

I allow time to re-flow and it does.Then,footsteps sound in the hallway,stopping right outside my room.

The door opens,and Kris walks in,taking my wrist and inspecting it.He doesn't need to switch on the light since dragons can see better in the dark than cats.

"So what Kai said was true...Why did you do this,panda?"Kris whispers,but I hear him anyway.

"Because I thought you hated me,"I numb my feelings first before saying that.

"How can you think that Tao?If I truly hated you I wouldn't have bullied you.You know me best,remember?"


"Shh,don't talk,"and then,Kris kissed me.

He pulled back after that light kiss,but there was so much untold love behind the action[cheesy I know,but I can't just type:cheesy line].

"How's your burn?"Kris suddenly asks.

"Fine,it healed when I stopped time,"I reply.

Strange how after kissing,we didn't feel embarrassed or anything.To be honest with my body...I feel


Okay,so that's it for this fanfic I really suck at writing one-shots.:(If you want more one-shots,request and I will try my best.Of course,I will be doing all my one-shots here.I really would like for you to do a cover for me with:EXO OTP ONE-SHOTS,but I feel it's too much to ask.If you do want to do it though,send me the cover at Safyre KX[Line] or SafyreKX2[KakaoTalk].

-Safyre KX

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