Should I!?

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Hello my readers!

I have been in a depressed mood off and on, having writers block many times and thinking if my story is really an alright story...

Re-reading my story thinking that it is so bad and not worth anybody's time, yes I do need more grammar lessons and other things like that. Well I don't really talk with many people other than friends, I haven't been even doing well with family... As you can tell from these actions I am an INTROVERT.

I have never been well with communication and working in pairs or partners, I have failed in most of my classes within my newer school, in my other school it would cram one school year into half a semester and in a complicated way and only that way. Making it extremely difficult for me to work in school, and then while exams were coming up I had both mental breakdown and emotional breakdown.

I cried in the middle of school giving up hope in everything, always pretending that everything was fine and dealing with family problems within that short amount of time also being poured into even more responsibilities than when I had started. I had no friends within school either, so writing and drawing were my only escape from the world even with anime and manga by my side I felt most comfortable with my other hobbies.

Since it has already been a year since I had moved and being introduced to Wattpad, which had became my new escape at the time I wanted to make my own fan-fiction. Seeing it grow made me more happy then moving into my new city, but seeing how my life had also gone downhill this year I have become depressed.

Looking over my progress and all the mistakes I have made within my story even tho I asked if you all could point it out to me. Still feeling the depression and seeing a councilor still getting the help I have needed, my mood has not gotten any better within that time and having no ideas has put me into a writers block frenzy. Hoping to have others as in you guys and friends to help with ideas by personally direct messaging me, which to none have done. I am slowly starting to give up on this story and I do not want to, which I love the Attack On Titan series as well as Levi. (we all know that, that's why most of you are here.)

Please let me know vote or comment on whether or not to keep this book going or to take it down.

1. Take down this horrible story!

2. Keep this story going.

3.Whatever you chose I am happy with.

(words 448)

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