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Caroline's POV

I adjust my shirt in my mirror. Is this to much? Is it to little? I mean I'm not trying to impress Max and I? no. We're just gonna be causal friends. I hope. I sigh and check the time, crud I need to go. I grab my backpack and hurry downstairs.
"Bye Mom!" I call
I slip out the door without even waiting to a response. I race across the road to Emmy's house. I hurry up the porch steps and knock on the door. Emmy opens it.
"Oh hey Caroline." She says
"Hey Emmy.." I say
"Max! Caroline's here!" Emmy calls
I stand awkwardly on the porch, I hear footsteps and Max appears. He smiles.
"Hey." He says
"h-h-hi." I say smiling back
"Have fun you two." Emmy says smirking
She closes the door behind Max. I roll my eyes.
"So what sites will we be seeing today?" Max asks
"The high school." I say
"Lovely, lovely." He says
I laugh.
"Come on let's go." I say and pull him along
We walk up the street and take a right, everything's so close you can basically walk everywhere. Good exercise I guess.
"Is the school big?" Max asks
"I don't know what do you consider big?" I ask
He shrugs.
"Well the school has two floors so.." I say
He nods. I start to see the school come into view.
"That's average it isn't that big." Max says
I shrug. We come into the parking lot.
"So that's the school, behind it is the sports fields, soccer, baseball, basketball, all that." I say
He nods. I lead him into the main entrance.
"So here's the main entry way. The atrium, and we have our skylight up over." I say
"What's an atrium?" Max asks
"It's this big open space when you walk in, you can hang around here before you have to go to class in the morning. And then we have a little skylit ceiling." I say
He nods.
"Then to your left is the main office."
"And to your right is the cafeteria." I say
We move forward.
"Down pasts the stairs is grades 9, and 10. Up the stairs is grades 11, and 12." I say
"What are those big doors there?" He asks pointing to the big doors a little ways down on the left.
"That's the auditorium." I say
"Audi what now?" I ask
"The auditorium, it's a big room with seats and a stage for assembly's and that." I say
"Okay then.." he says
"Here lets go down the the lockers." I say
We walk down the hallway past the stairs to the 9 and 10th grade wing.
"So to the right is the gym."
"And left is the classrooms." I say
We walk to the left and to the lockers.
"I'm locker 324." I say
"What am I?" Max asks
"Um lets see, your last name is Mills, so"
I walk down the line of lockers until I stop at what I think is his.
"I think this would be yours but you should check with the office when school starts just in case." I say
He nods. I open my locker and begin putting my stuff in.
"Are you excited for high school?" Max asks
"I guess so." I say shrugging
"I think it will be fun." He says
"Yeah." I say
" Emmy always teasing you and Dani?" He asks
"Not exactly..but she makes us kind of feel like stupid people sometimes.." I say
"Maybe you should tell her.." he suggests
I stand up.
"No way." I say
"How come?" He asks
"You don't know Emmy like we do. If you back sass her she'll go out on you and she won't talk to you for days on end." I say
"Oh." He says
"But she wouldn't do that to you. Cause you're her cousin. You're family." I say
He nods.
I finish with my locker and swing it closed. I swing my backpack back on and run to face Max.
"Now what do you wanna do?" I ask
"I don't know-" he gets cut off
"OH MY GOD!! THATS MAX MILLS!!" A girl from behind us screams
We turn around and Cassie, a girl in my grade, stands with big wide eyes. She runs up to us.
"Can't believe you're in my school!! What are you doing here?" She asks excitedly
"Uhh..umm.." Max fumbles
"Yeah, yeah it's Max Mills, now we have to go." I say beginning to pull Max away
"Caroline? How do you even know who Max is. Why are you with him?" Cassie asks annoyingly
"He's Emmy's cousin, and I'm showing him around his new school." I say
"Yeah right, he's Emmy's cousin." She says rolling her eyes
"Yeah I am actually. Our mom's are sisters." Max says
"Really??! That's so cool! So why are you down here then?" Cassie asks
I roll my eyes. She believed him but not me. Wow.
"A um producer called us-i um mean me down meet.." he says nervously
They haven't told the fans about Harvey, and he isn't about to tell this brat.
"You? What about Harvey?" She asks
"He's didn't called, now we have to go." I say pulling Max along
We walk quickly away from her but she keeps up with us.
"What?! But Harvey's the lead singer! He's the best!" She says
Max shrugs
"Okay well bye Cassie." I say walking out the door
We speed walk out of the parking lot and onto the street.
"Heh..thanks.." Max says
"Yeah. She's a little..obsessed.." I say
He nods.
"There's a lot more people in the school who like you and Harvey Max, so you can't keep hiding the secret." I say
"Right. I'm just not ready yet." He says and sighs
"I know it's hard." I say
We arrive back at our houses, Emmy and Dani are outside playing volleyball.
"How was it?" Emmy asks noticing us
"Average. Until Cassie came." I say rolling my eyes
"Cassie, Josh's twin?" Dani asks
I nod.
"Ooh." Dani says
"She was obsessed with Max and why he was here." I say
"You're famous pretty boy, can't help the fans." Emmy says
"Sometimes being famous isn't always fun." Max says and goes inside to his house
I sigh.
"See you guys later." I say and walk down the road to my house.
Sorry for the late update! I forgot to update 😂 Poor Caroline, she's getting the crushies. Do you think her and Max will end up together? Max seems to not be lining his fame at the moment.. don't forget to vote, comment, and share!💓💓

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