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Gwen was twirling a lock of ebony around her little finger, the look in her eyes one of innocent, though perhaps not so, curiosity from her question. Closely followed was Mary Jane and her bouncing curls, that time with purple woven into the ringlets she so often favoured. Both appeared to be simply asking a question, making short talk as it was called, but one would be a fool to not know better than that.

"Who told you that?"

Gwen grinned, pearly whites exposed in a smile I almost envied, "a little birdie. That's not important, though - what changed your mind? I thought you were busy?"

"I was - I am - it is not definite. Yet." The girl was good, I had to give her that. There was nothing set in stone and only recently had I considered the option of attending the 'party', yet she was already nosing out the information on my details not even yet decided - if anyone was a spy, it was her, for she was an expert sleuth in the making. "I had not decided for sure yet."

Her friend Mary Jane swung into view once more, curls flying about her as she walked beside the both of us. A small smirk flitted across her face, and she looked too devious to be up to any good, making me question my decision to slow down and wait for the duo. "Well, Peter wants you to go."

"Ah, and was this something he told you? Or a lie you are trying to convince me with?"

"Well, he didn't say anything to us, exactly," she shrugged, not losing her smile, "but you can tell - we asked him if you were, and he said he didn't know, but he looked like he wanted you to."

I narrowed my eyes and quickened my pace, irritated once more by the detective duo that always seemed to know how to get under my skin. The matter and question of love interests was a common theme, recently in our conversations and Peter Parker was not one I wished to be discussed most of all, though it was that very same that was constantly brought up. Sure, the only reason the party had been considered was for that very boy, but I had no desire to discuss my business with people and certainly not them. Despite Gwen's sweet support and Mary Jane with her tentatively caring nature, knowing that they were at least good at pretending to be genuine, I had no interest in the concept of a friendship of any sort or liking.

So, I smiled, painting a sugary-sweet appearance over gritted teeth and furrowed brows.

"Look, I have to get to class - I have to discuss something with Mr Warren."

Gwen frowned, "but isn't science your first-period class?"

"So? I said I would discuss something during lunch period," I mumbled, before waving slightly. "Good-bye."

At their saddened, dismal gazes, and Gwen's soft 'alright', my heart fluttered. Perhaps a part of me felt bad for the distancing, for after all they had always been kind and welcoming to me, and the look in their eyes was that of a kicked puppy. Even with how their questioning got on my nerves, they were good people, and useful, proving before - there was a point to maybe proposing a friendship. They also knew quite a lot about the Parker boy, and that was a key point that needed to be fixated on.

Still, it was not like I did need them - I could do it all, had the resources to supply my efforts, and two girls with curiosity filled up to the brim were not at all necessary. I had no time for the silly, stupid little things like friendship, and certainly, there was no real use for mutualism otherwise.

As I stomped past the library, I paused, watching Peter and Ned - who had finally dared to show his face, free of food-poisoning - and their deep conversation about something. I did not follow them in, though I lingered rather long at the doorway watching. It had been considered, but after a few long moments, I left and headed off in the same direction I had been running towards. I could always pay a visit later.

Little Spy | Peter Parker ✓Where stories live. Discover now