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There were only a few minutes left of my precious time with the boy. Though, with the fall of Electro and the escape of Peter and everything falling apart so quickly, I wasn't even sure that Inga had been successful - how she could handle all of her 'buyers' was beyond my imagination. She was certainly strong and wily, but they seemed to be monsters and even Inga seemed to be nervous about their interactions. However, my thoughts were not on that, but on the boy in front of me and the serious frown he wore as he stared at the ground we sat on.

He didn't answer my mutter for a second, keeping his gaze downwards before looking back up. "Is this all true? You...you were sent here to bring me to these agents so they can..."

"-Rip you up and put you together again?" the words poured like hot lava from my lips before I could stop myself, but it wasn't like it wasn't the truth. At that point, really, there wasn't any point in beating around the bush about who I was or what my original motives were. He knew it all, and the bitter tone that had hidden in sickly-sweet words before wasn't masked any longer. "Yes. Basically."

"So...you're not Emily. At all."


"What...what parts of it all were lies? I mean, sometimes your story didn't add up and I got confused but was it all a lie?"

I shook my head and looked at the clenched fists in my lap, "no, that's not...no. It was all made up. My name isn't Emily, I'm not a high school student, I'm not from Canada - and I, of course, was the chosen one sent here to bring you to them so they could do their experiments on you. I was supposed to make you believe I was Emily, but it wasn't true. None of it was, really."

Peter didn't say anything after my words for a minute, seemingly processing the thoughts for a while. When he did, his voice shook ever so slightly, as though he was fighting back a cry, "so when you came to my apartment, you were just trying to warn me, to protect me?"

"Yes, yeah that was the plan. A stupid one, but it was the idea."

"I'm sorry for not believing you."

"It's okay." 

It wasn't really 'okay', but my thought wasn't over the time wasted or on the fact that the boy - rightfully - didn't believe me at that point in time. Instead, I could only focus on the fact that I had succeeded and he could return home, safe and sound, and protect New York City from now on. In this sacred moment, it didn't matter my fate, but the fact that he would be okay, just like he deserved. I was alright sacrificing it all for that reason.

"So...what happens to you now?"

I shrugged, "I go back to Inga, and then back to Russia."

"I meant, what after?" The boy seemed worried about me, strangely enough, and watched me with a new anxiety shining through his eyes. "What will happen because you went against them and saved my life?"

I couldn't tell him the truth, the silent but clearly spoken truth that had followed me from day one. If he knew the real consequences of my actions there would be no way Peter would be okay - he cared too deeply for his own good, and for some reason, he thought of me as something worth fighting for. If he knew it all, he would hate me for the one good deed I had managed to accomplish, and it would ruin everything I had worked for. I couldn't tell him that I didn't know or the suspicions I had. It would surely break him, especially considering all the tragedy already endured.

So, instead of blurting out the real effect my crimes would have on the world I lived in, I simply sighed. "I go home - well if you want to call the Academy my home - and I live out my life and train to be the girl they wanted me to to be."

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