16 Rules to Live By

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Rule 1: Make sure to drink lots and lots of water. Stay hydrated.

Rule 2: Eat lots of pasta. The food of the runner.

Rule 3: When doing a time workout make sure to run by Coach a couple of times or else they will get suspicious.

Rules 4: Remember it not all about winning it's about friendship, family, and so much more. There's more to life than winning and I think cross country teaches you that.

Rule 5: Remember your running shoes. They are important!

Rule 6: Don't compare yourself to any other runner. A mile is a mile no matter if it took you 5 minutes or 10. It's still a mile and that's all that matters.

Rule 7: Don't say your not a runner. If you run, your a runner.

Rule 8: Don't skimp on sleep. Trust me you'll need it!

Rule 9: Remember "rest day". It's like the holy day.

Rule 10: Remember your muscles and they aches and pains. If they are bad tell Coach and don't push through an injury. It will just make it worse. Your not invincible!

Rule 11: Don't wear cotton. Trust me it's gross.

Rule 12: Always clean your uniform or else it gets gross fast.

Rule 13: Don't ignore your shoes. If they are beat down get a new pair and remembered to put news paper in them to dry them if not it's bad news.

Rule 14: Don't get stuck in a rut and mix it up. Try running differently and on different parts of the trail. (Hills, distance, pace, etc.)

Rule 15: It doesn't matter how many medals you get or don't get. It really doesn't matter all they do is take up space and collect dust anyway.

Rule 16: Remember just breathe everything will be okay, I promise.

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