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Do you remember that time?

My friends must get really tired of my saying that.

This time during Cross Country?

My non-runner friends probably get even more tired of hearing that.

I thought I would share some important memories.

Memory 1: This one time. We were all playing Uno and I don't remember who was all there, but I remembered that Sarah Dudley was there. There was about probable 7 of us playing and we all had been playing for about 2 hours. No one was winning and we were getting no where. All of a sudden Sarah says, "I give up, I have to pee."

She then reached under her leg and pulled out about 25 cards. We all lost it and as she got up to walk to the bathrooms cards were stuck to her legs.

For some reason I still find this funny and it's one of my the funniest memories from camp. Remember guys cheating comes back and haunts you even if it's in the funniest ways.

Memory 2: If you guys didn't know for the longest time I have had a fear of physical contact of any kind. I feel highly uncomfortable with hugs, holding hands, when people even so much as bump me. With Cross Country these things are bound to happen, even the holding hands. Trust me I'm pretty sure we are all secretly gay for each other if only a little bit.

Now, I have came a long way from a couple of years ago. I can now hug and have people bump in to me without having a full blown panic attack. You guys, my team, have helped loads with this.

One of the best memories that has helped me over come this fear was this: it was after a met back in JH.

Wow, long time ago I know, but it was the first meet we had ever got first and won a trophy. Everyone was pulled into a group hug, and even though I didn't score any points for our team, I was still included. It made me feel safe and like I was a part of something bigger than myself. That's the first time or at least one of the first times I had ever felt that way. So, thank you guys so much. It meant a lot to me, it really did.

Memory 3: My freshman when we were all sitting on the hill were senior speeches are and listening to them talk about what there struggles were with things at home and with depression and stuff like that. It really helped me. I'm not one to cry never have been, never will be, but I bawled my eyes out that night.

One I was saying goodbye to one of my best friends who I still count as a sister from another mister. It was hard. My cousin was telling how he battle with depression. Even harder, but what made it even harder was the fact that I know how anxiety feels and depression. I have felt that way for years and I wasn't a lone anymore. Other people were struggling too. I'm doing better now and that night helped me so much. Like you don't even know what it meant to me. So please if someone is reading this and feels those feeling remember your not a lone. You can always talk to me or Coach or anybody on the team I promise. They good people.

Memory 4: It was just today actually well just today as in the day I'm reading this. We were running and me and two goofballs named Kenadie, and Tory were running together when Kenadie decided to start taking her shirt off. Why I don't know, but she did.

As she did a group of boys were running towards us. They screamed a little and said, "Put your shirt back on!"

So, Kenadie being Kenadie did a little belly dance instead. Tory and I totally and completely lost it. It was the hardest I have ever laughed. Kenadie kept doing this everything they went by. Thank you Kenadie it made my day to say the least. Oh and don't forget about Walt Dogg.

Memory 5: I remember running this one race were the course wasn't that clear. We started running and as always Jess was way in front of everybody. As we were running all of a sudden she came up beside me crying. My first thought is: How the hell are you back here?

She then told me that she had ran the wrong course and had ran another mile. Crazy right? Anyway, she picked up the pace and finished in front of me, but I believe the true lesson in this is: Don't give up no matter what happens, because it will all work out in the end.

Memory 6: I remember this one time when were we in the cabin telling horror stories and I remember just sitting on my bed thinking this is what family is. We were all laughing and having a good time. I felt welcomed and part of the team. I was quiet as always, but I watched everyone laugh and have a good time and I remember very clearly feel very happy.

Memory 7: I remember this time after practice a lot of the team went out to breakfast and they were all impressed with how much I could eat! Don't judge me I'm a hungry person! How much fun it was! We need to do it again!

Memory 8: I have some bad memories too. I didn't want to say anything but I think I need too. Sometimes I was left out I would see pictures on Snapchat and they would say, "Cross Country Party" and "CC only!" And I remember I wasn't invited. Maybe I couldn't have got a ride anyway, but I would have tried and it hurt and sometimes I felt like I should quit, but my mom always talked me out of it or Alyssa or Dud saying, "Don't let them win." I alway was a wallflower, but I thought I had friends on the team. This year has been better I was actually invited and I feel like the team is closer. It makes me happy and less forgotten. It helps and please remember, don't forget people. Trust me it hurts when your the forgotten.

Memory 9: I have alway had problems talking to people and being on the team has definitely helped. I feel like I can talk to most of you guys. When I finally learned this was this year actually.

When we were at Sabrina's house and I was sitting in the back quietly. You guys made sure to ask me if I had anything to talk about or if I anything to add. I really didn't, but it was great! And when I wanted to talk about something you guys would quiet down and you were all so surprised when you found out that I wrote! It made me blush, but also feel really good.

When we were dancing and karaoking it was great you guys didn't make fun of me for my 'awesome' dancing and my 'oh so amazing' singing. It made me really happy. So thank you guys!

Memory 10: I think this is the last one of these I'm going to do because I'm become way to sappy and that's just not me.

I remember us all running as a team. This doesn't happen much, but this time we did. We were going up the wooden bridge and Alyssa was saying how it was AP Pace. I looked around and noticed everyone was happy, and laughing. I have had a lot of sadness in my life and I know many of you have too. I tend to notice moments of happiness. We were all gross and sweaty but it was great anyway. I hope this all lasts forever.

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