Cross Country Camp

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3 words that you dread, but also can't wait for. It's a time when we all get mushed together in tents or cabins. It's a time when we all suffer, but have fun while doing it. It's a time for bonding and for making memories. I don't know how many times I have said, "Remember that time at Camp?"

I have cried at camp, I have most definitely laughed, and I have made memories I will never forget.

With my team new and old I have made friendships that I hope last long after high school. I have been a complete idiot, but also have gave some really good advice. Everything about running has made me a stronger person.  At camp I feel like we not only become stronger people, but a stronger team as a whole.

It's amazingly incredible to think that in 5 days so much can change. We all become faster, better, and closer together.

Sometimes we fail, but other times we totally completely and utterly win. I couldn't imagine my life without running cross country it's a part of how I am. It's in my blood. It's in your blood too.

Sometimes when I'm falling apart running it out is all that it takes to make it all better. I'm not fast, maybe, you are and that's okay. I'm happy and as long as your happy too that's all that matters.

It hard to imagine that I will be done here soon, but at the same time I can't wait to be done. It makes me sad to be giving up this part of my life, but if I never have to run Flying 30 again, I will be more than happy.

I hope I have made your life's at least a little funnier and a little happier if you run with me, because then you know that I'm not as quiet as I seem. In my opinion we are the best team in like the whole world, but maybe that's not true. It doesn't really matter if it does or not because to me we are a family and that's all that really matter.

I will never forget you guys and I hope you will never forget me.

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