Chapter 6

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"Unbelievable," Hermione scoffed as she and Cassie watched Filtch put up, yet another, one of Umbridge's rules. "This is getting out of hand," Cassie told her. "You would think after what she almost did to Trelawney, Dumbledore would be on this."

Hermione sighed, "Yeah, you would." They started walking into the Great Hall when she said, "I'm just glad you and Harry agreed on teaching us how to defend ourselves." They sat down and opened their books as Cassie told her, "I only know a few spells. If anything, I'll be learning with you guys."

It got silent between them after that because they were too focused on studying for their O.W.Ls. Unfortunately, that silence didn't last too long. 

"There you are," Tom said to Cassie as he plopped down next to her. "You wouldn't believe what Ben and Martin got themselves into." Cassie closed her book and asked, "What?" Sighing, he told her, "Ben got into a fight with Malfoy because he was, apparently, saying things about you. Well, Crabe and Goyle got involved, so Martin jumped in."

"Did Umbridge catch them?" Cassie quickly asked. The only answer she needed was Tom's look, so she quickly packed up her things and rushed to Umbridge's room. She must have paced in front of the door for an hour, until Ben and Martin came out. 

Amanda came over just in time and embraced Martin in a hug. Ben wasn't as lucky. "What were you thinking?" Cassie harshly asked him. "You know Umbridge is keeping a close eye on us and just waiting for you to give her a reason to do this to you!"

Ben covered the top of his throbbing hand and said, "Sorry." He looked guilty as all hell, making it more difficult for Cassie to stay angry. "I don't need protection, Ben. I just need you here. Promise me you'll ignore what idiots like Malfoy say. I do everyday and I get on just fine."

He sighed and looked to the ground. "I can't ignore it," he grumbled, "especially this time. He went too far and I just...I lost it. Again, I'm sorry." She sighed and looked at his hand. "Come on," she said, "let's go to Madam Pomfrey."


Cassie and Harry were alike in a lot of ways, but when it came to self-doubt and lack of was no wonder they were twins. They, Ron, Hermione, and Ben were all headed to meet a few people who wanted to learn defensive spells form them. "I really only know a few," Cassie kept saying.

"Yeah and they defended you from a bloody dragon last year," Ron reminded her. "Nobody knew what in the hell you were doing." That was true, as the spells she casted were common, but not easily used. A lot of students struggle with them.

"Harry," Cassie said, pulling them a little behind the group. "I...I'm not sure I can do this. You know more than I do, why don't you just take over?" Harry told her, "I can't do this without you, Cass. Look, I know I haven't exactly been here lately, especially when it comes to spending time with you. You're my sister. You'e re someone I've only dreamed about. You are my family and families stick together, just like we're going to do with this and for the rest of our lives."

Cassie had tears brimming her eyes. "I love you, Harry. I'll be by your side no matter what." Harry cracked a smile - for once in a long time - and put his arm around her shoulder as they continued to walk inside. 

None of them anticipated the crowd that would join them. It wasn't a ton of people, but certainly more than a few. George, Fed, Ginny, Neville, Martin, Amanda, and Tom were there, along with a few more Gryffindors and even Ravenclaws and Hufflepuffs. This just made Cassie and Harry a little more nervous.

Ben took Cassie's hand and gave it a comforting squeeze when Hermione started talking about needing a decent teacher to defend themselves. Of course, the critics came right out to play as soon as Voldemort was mentioned. 

"You shouldn't need any proof," Ben spat at one kid who claimed he needed to see it to believe it. "Cass and Harry's word are all you should need." The same kid scoffed, "Of course you'd believe your girlfriend, Cumberbum! The clearly planned this out since they're related, or is that a myth as well?"

"Shut up," Harry told him. "Don't talk about my family that way again." The room got silent. "Can you tell us more about how Digory got killed?" Another kid asked, breaking the silence. "We're not here to talk about Cedric," Cassie told him, "so if that's why you're here, then you might as well leave now." Harry stood up and practically begged Hermione let them leave.

"Is it true you can produce a patronus charm?" Luna suddenly asked. Hermione quickly answered for him, "Yes. I've seen it." Needless to say, everyone was impressed. "What about Cassie?" Dean asked. Cassie opened her mouth to say something, but words couldn't seem to come out. 

"She can, too," Ben told them. "I've seen it and it's brilliant." Cassie, now finding her words, said, "But Harry is the one who taught me." Hermione had on a smug smile when she saw everyone in the room realize how wrong they were. 

They started off naming everything Harry has done over the past few years to defend himself, which seemed to get everyone on board. When Harry explained that doing that in the real world, where there were no second chances, that one could basically die...they thought they lost some people. 

Turns out, they didn't. 

Cassie, Harry, Hermione, Ron and Ben watched as everyone signed up for Dumbledore's Army.

"That was amazing!" Cassie said as she jumped on to Ben's back. Ben laughed and spun her around as she squealed. Them and some of their new group were walking back to the castle. They were trying to come up with places they could secretly start their lessons. 

Every idea they had was too risky. 

Over the course of the next few days, they ran out of ideas...and were also running out of patients with Umbridge. Each day was worse than the last. If Cassie had a penny for each time her and Ben were pulled away from each other as they walked down the hall, held hands, or kissed, she would be a millionaire. 

That obviously didn't stope them. 

"Ben," Cassie giggled as he peppered kisses on her neck in the middle of the corridor. "Umbridge is going to catch us again." He put his lips on her ear and said, "I know."

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