Chapter 13

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When the group got to the Ministry, their goal was to get to the Department of Mysteries. Ben, since his parents worked there (his dad in that department), knew every inch of the place and suggested they rake a different way into the building. It was a way he was taught as a boy and he thought it was the coolest thing. 

"Are you kidding me?" Cassie asked. "We have to flush ourselves?" Everyone else was thinking the same thing. "Darling, I know how it sounds, but it leads directly in. No alarms, no identification needed. Only top people know about this way, so security is scarce."

As much as they didn't want to, they eventually flushed themselves into the Ministry. Once they were all accounted for, they went to the elevator and took it to the Department  of Mystery. There were several halls and doors they could go through, but Harry knew where he was going.

"That's the door," Cassie whispered, "from my dreams." Ben looked at the huge door oddly, then whispered back, "My dad always told me that what's behind there is old paperwork and files. Something the Ministry doesn't use anymore."

Ron then said, "No offense, mate, but I think he was lying."

Harry slowly opened the door to reveal a giant room of glowing blue orbs. Ben looked around wondering why he wasn't told about this. "There has to be a reason your dad didn't want you knowing about this," Cassie whispered. He took her hand and gave it a squeeze while saying, "I'm afraid to find out that reason."

They continued to walk slowly, wands up illuminating light. Harry was jogging to where he saw Sirius in his dream. He wasn't there. He got distracted when he heard something, like someone whispering his name. "Do you hear it?" He asked. 

Cassie slowly walked up to where he was and listened. "No. What do you--." Suddenly, she heard her name. It was a faint whisper, but she heard it. "What is that?" She asked. She watched as Harry went up to one of the orbs and took it. It was whispering both of their names. 

"The one with the power to vanquish the Dark Lord approaches... Born to those who have thrice defied him, born as the seventh month dies... and the Dark Lord will mark him as his equal, but he will have power the Dark Lord knows not... and either must die at the hand of the other for neither can live while the other survives...The one with the power to vanquish the Dark Lord will be born as the seventh month dies..."

Cassie took a step back from it. "Harry...what does that mean?" Before he could say anything, Hermione called in a panic, "Harry!" Everyone turned to see a Death Eater walking towards them. There was one walking down each corridor. "Where's Sirius?" Harry asked them. 

"You know," they told him, "you should really learn the difference between dreams...and reality." The Death Eater revealed him as Lucius Malfoy. Suddenly, Bellatrix Lestrange came up behind him. Neville immediately tensed up. She teased him about killing his parents and Harry had to stop him from doing anything stupid. 

"Ah," Lucius said when he saw Cassie, "Cassandra Potter. I knew there was something about you the first time we met. Nevertheless, it is a privilege to meet you...especially before the Dark Lord gets to you." 

Ben immediately stepped in front of her while glaring daggers at Lucius. "Benedict Cumberbatch," he said, "I remember meeting you when you were just a young lad playing in your father's office. How would he feel, knowing his son broke into his work?"

Clearly, he hadn't thought about that because now he seemed more scared about that than the Death Eaters. "Enough talk Lucius!" Bellatrix shouted. "Grab it!" Harry held the glowing orb tighter in his hand. 

"What do you want with it?" Cassie asked. Lucius looked at her, then asked, "Have you ever wondered about your parents? About how your brother got his scar?" Harry and Cassie looked to each other, then to the orb. "I've waited fourteen years," Harry said. 

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