Chap chap 46

229 13 4

Sir, how did you get that eye patch?" Fury shook his head. "I've always had it its sort of like I was chosen…"

"Are you kidding me!?" Clint yelled as the Avengers walked up. "Do you know what happens to people who become self aware?" He asked looking around.

Steve walked around him. "Anyway, why did you call us here?" Fury looked t him and a tear fell out his good eye. "I-I couldn't open the pickle jar."

Tony groaned. " Really?! We were going through a crisis!" Fury frowned open the jar then you can be on yall way."

Fury held out the pickle jar and Tony grabbed it. He turned the cap but it wouldn't open. "This. Is. Stupid"

Clint snatched the jar away and struggled to open it. "Gawd damn." Steve chuckled and took the jar. He turned it upside down and patted the bottom. "This is how its done." He went to open it and to no avail the jar did not open.

"How can you call yourselves the worlds greatest heroes and yall cant open a jar!" Fury shouted. Tony snatched the jar from Steve and tossed it at him. " Open it yourself then!"

Fury sighed and held the jar out to Bruce." He turned it and groaned. "These pickles don't want to be eaten."

"Damn it! Rage out Brucey! Tony shouted. He shook his head and handed it to Loki who passed it t Thor.

Thor grunted as he tried to take off the lid. "Arrgghh." He threw the jar down and it fell with a small clink.

Loki rolled her eyes. " Well Sir sorry to say, but you are out of luck."

"We can't even break the jar, how did you expect us to open it!" Clint groaned.

Natasha looked at them all and picked up the jar and twisted it. It opened with a pop. "Really guys?" She handed Fury the jar and walked away. Loki snickered and followed her.

Everyone stood gaping. Fury shoved a pickle in his mouth and frowned. " You all are a shame. Dismissed!"

"I feel like people are laughing at us…" Tony said softly as they walked away.

Clint looked around. "That guy is still playing Galaga, Tony." Tony chuckled.

"I feel like a sandwich now."

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