•Chapter 64•

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•Chapter 64•

His eyes grew wide as his mouth opened. "That's not happening." He demanded.

"Just think for a second - not only will we be able to be with each other - I'll be able to protect myself. You won't have to worry as much. Please?" I took his hand in mine. He pulled his hand away quickly.

"No, Sarah." His voice grew lower with each word spoken. His eyes grew a tint of red. I decided to give up. I looked away from him for a few seconds and looked back to see that his eyes were his usual shades of green.

"I'm sorry." My voice came out in a small whisper.

"Don't worry about it." His cold lips pressed to my forehead. I looked down to we that I was still in my ripped clothing.

"Do you mind if I change? I just noticed that I never did." I questioned.

"Yeah." He stood up, going over to my side of the room. He pulled a white tank top and grey crop top. "I went by Nathan's and got your clothes while you were out."

"Did you see Nathan?" I stood up, grabbing the clothes from the bed.

"I did." He looked back at me. "I told him that you just needed some time away. He also understands, even though all that's happened, that you will be staying with me."

I nodded. "Can you, uh, leave for a few minutes?" I held the clothes closer to my chest.

He left the room without another word, closing the door behind him.

I slipped off the torn shirt that I've been wearing, putting on the tank top followed by the grey crop top. I walked into the hallway. The candle lights dimming slightly as I walked. My feet carried me into the living room to find Harry standing there.

"What are you doing?" I asked, walking closer to him. His arms wrapped around my waist.

"Waiting for you." He stated. A smirk played on his lips as he spoke.

"Why?" I looked down.

He didn't say anything. Instead he lead me over to the couch, his hand pressed to my lower back. He sat me down on the couch, leaving for a few minutes. He came back out carrying a small box in hand.

"What are you--" I was then hushed by his lips pressing to mine.

He pulled back, looking down at me. He placed the box to the side of the glass table in the living room. "What's in the box?" I reached for it. His hand caught my wrist.

"Not now." He sternly replied.

I took my wrist back, placing it on my lap.

*2 Months Later*

I awoke to small shuffling around the room. I decided not to open my eyes since I had guessed it was probably just Harry.

"Sarah?" My shoulder was then being shaken by a large hand.

My eyes fluttered open, still deep with sleep. Harry stood above me. Holding a small object in his hand, he opened a box. The same box from two months ago. Inside laid a beautiful diamond ring.

My hand flew up over my mouth as I gasped. Tears filled my eyes.

"Sarah McCarthy. I promise to love you until your last breath. I promise to keep you safe for the rest of your life. I promise to never let you go. Will you marry me?" Harry's voice was soft - although I could tell her was nervous.

"I-" I began. "Yes." The word left my lips.

A smile grew on his lips. He placed the ring on my finger, giving me a soft, loving kiss. "I love you." He whispered.

"And I love you." I replied.

I was going to be Mrs. Styles.

•Woah... What just happened? So.. Harry proposed. Thanks for reading.•


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