Chapter 10

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I know I shouldn't love him.

I mean, I'm enimies with his gang,and technically speaking, enimies with him.

And I know that I'd be completely disowned from my family if I dated him, or even speak to him again in front of them in this case.

But I love him.

Because all my life I thought I loved my family, but in reality I've been pressured to be someone I'm not.

And now, now that I am truly me.

I feel like I can trust him.

I feel a connection to him.

Like there a invisible force dragging me to him.

And somehow even when I first met him I knew he was the one for me. Somehow.

And now, here he is, on my balcony, asking me to date him, even though if I accepted it.

I'd get thrown out of my family, or worse. Never see him again.

And I do love him, I love him alot.

"Yes Andy" my heart jumped as he lifted me up and spun my around with me in his arms, I was lifted up in the air as he spin my around the balcony.

He then set me back down on the ground and kissed me on the lips passionately.

I pull away and look at him, "we need to tell your father who I really am though."

He thinks for a moment, then smiles.

"I've got the perfect plan" he smiles ear to ear.

He grabs my hand and starts to walk to the edge of the balcony, "w-what are you doing?"

"Were gonna climb down silly"

My eyes widen, I shake my head, "we could just walk out the front door?"

"But that's no fun!"

"Can I atleast get dressed so I can look decent?" I ask.

He sigh's, "ugh, fine."

I roll my eyes and run inside, I walk inside my closet and pick out a new outfit (UP TOP ^^).

I ran back out to the balcony where Andy impatiently waited. He then started climbing down my wall.

Silly monkey, that's what he is, a silly monkey.

Once he was on the ground he held out his hands to me, it was like 45 feet between him and I. Let's hope he's bending his knees when he catches me...

I dangle my legs down towards him and push myself off, then I turn myself as I'm falling so my back was facing him, so when he'd catch me it would be in a wedding hold, which I think is probably the safest catch I can think of at the moment.

I felt gravity pull me into a pair of arms and then he falls onto his back, I look at him in the eyes while laying on him.

"Are you okay?" I move his hair out of his face a bit.

He grunts, "pinchie keen" (in other words: Happy, of you didn't know)

I laugh, "are you sure?" He puts his hands around me again and stands up holding me then starts walking into the woods to his truck.

"I'm sure" he smirks and I laugh, he's such a show off.

We get into his truck and drive away.


We stop at his house, which was across the road from where we had met funny enough.

I was wearing a hoodie to make sure people didn't know this was me and that I'm going into my pretty much enimies house.

He opens the door and walks in, I follow behind him.

His house look pretty ordinary, other then the occasional gun case here and there. I mean hey! There in the Gang business, anything can happen.

I wait on the couch as Andy finds his parents, his mother in the Kitchen and his father in the Den.

They both walk to the living room and sat down on the same couch, there were three chairs, one chair on the left side of me while I sat on the three person couch, the third seat, usually called the Love seat, where both of his parents sat.

They both were concerned to know why there's a person in there living room wearing a black hoodie with the hood up.

To be honest it did look pretty shady.

The curtains were closed, the windows were locked same for the door.

Andy sat down in the singular chair on my left.

"Mom, dad, I need to tell you something..."

Cliffy again, I'm getting good at those lmao


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