Chapter 26

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My eyes fluttered open, I had awoken in bed, I was laying ontop of Andy, straight in the middle of him, literally. I was between his legs and my arms were around his neck as my head layed upon his chest. He breathed slowly and evenly.

One of his hands wandered down to my butt which would normally be torn straight off if either of my grandparents had seen us, but it had stayed. His other hand was on my back. He was so comfortable for a pretty rugged guy. And I'm sure I was just like a body pillow to him.

I layed there relaxing. I play with the wrinkles on his shirt. I heard a deep sigh a grunt and a chuckle.

"Good morning Princess" Andy smiles, his morning voice sending shivers down my spine. His morning voice was so scratchy and deep, it sounded so manly.

"Good morning" I whisper.

He moves his hand that layed on my butt and flows it through my hair, untangling it.

"I have a brush here of you want it?" I lay my head on his chest comfortably again.

"No thanks" he smiles using his fingers to brush out my hair. It felt so nice when he brushed my hair, even when it was with his hands. It felt amazing.

I wanted to stay here forever, I hear a knock at the door and my heart beats faster.

"Miss. Smith, Mr. Wolf, breakfast is ready" Wen called from the other side if the door.

I could just see his red hair with a tint of grey and his nice bright green eyes. For a 50 year old, he was doing pretty good.

"Okay thank you Wen" I smiled even though I knew he couldn't see me, we heard footsteps go down the stairs.

I untangle myself from Andy and sit up, now I wasn't purposefully straddling him. He smirked and I then realized what I was doing.

I slap him on the chest blushing and rolling off of him and onto the floor. I lay there for a moment and then get up. Andy laughs, "are you coming to get food or not?" I speak and he jumps up off the bed and follows me.


After breakfast we walked back upstairs to my room, neither of my grandparents really caring much anymore, they seen that he loves me, so why not?

My grandparents had ordered some people from the gang to come down and watch over us, all of us, to make sure we're okay. It was extra servalence.

We had two code names, Raspberry for if it's just you. Blueberry for if he's with you, in which means you escape down the balcony.

The worst part was, we can't tell the police, they'll tell us that were just being paranoid and laugh at us, we had to do this ourselves. Even if it means we might get killed.

Andy and I sat there for days, we walked downstairs and ate but then always walking back up to my room. By now Andy had worn the same sweaty stinky cloths for four nights in a row, his parents were worried sick and his friends wondered where the hell he disappeared to.

We decided it was time for him to go back to his house and change, after me telling him to go home and live a normal peaceful life the best he could.

He fought back saying he's changing and bringing cloths back to my house and staying with me until we were under clear.

We sat in his mother's car which was still in my yard and drove off to his house, I wore a big black hoodie that was his hoodie.

All my sweaters stuck to me showing off my figure, and that would be one huge giveaway that it's me.

We made it to his house, we got out of the car and Andy's mother came running out giving him a huge hug, then slapping his across the face, "Andrew Matthew Wolf! Were the hell did you go!?"

Andy chuckles and walks inside explaining what's going on, which instantly makes her scared, not only for my life but Andy's life.

Andy walked upstairs and had taken a shower after he was done packing. I stayed in his room quietly on my phone. Andy had came out if the shower and was fully dressed, we were about to leave to go back to my house when I got that one text that made me scream.

Unsaved number: I know where you are, and there's no saving yourself now.

I bursted out in tears grabbing ahold of Andy's shirt and pulling him tworads me, I started freaking out.

His shirt was in a ball in my hand and I was pressed against his torso. I'm sure by now his shirt was soaked, or atleast where my eyes were it was.

We walked out to the truck and went back to the house. We ran upstairs not even talking to my grandparents. That night, I layed there and sobbed huddled into Andy.

There was no other place to go to...

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