Chapter 36

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He stopped making the noises you do when you cry and just pretended to sleep.

I closed the door and sat down beside Andy, I set my hand on his side, his back was facing me.

I sigh, "nothing happened, I swear."

He stayed silent.

"He had heard what happened and when I got upstairs I sat beside him, he had put his arm around my shoulders and asked if I was okay, he was just generally concerned if I was alright. Nothing happened."

He stayed silent again.

I sighed, "look, I know your not asleep, I'm sorry if I hurt you, but nothing happened, and it's either you trust me on that, or you don't. Whatever you do, I'm okay with" I get up and make my way to the door, I set my hand on the handle when I hear Andy sit up.

"Jade, wait" his deep raspy voice broke the small silence between us, I turn my head over to face him.

He looked broken inside, he didn't look at me, his head just faced tworads the ground. He was hurt, really really hurt.

"Come over here" he says, I walk over to him and sit beside him on the bed.

He sigh's,  "I'm sorry, I should have known nothing would have happend between you two, it's just I get so... ugh" he speaks,  frustration coming out when he says ugh.

"You get jealous, because I was around another person, because you felt threatened. Andy I don't want to be with Tyler. I want to be with you, and only you, I love you."

My heart pounded against my chest, my hand inched tworads his as we held hands, he moved his head up a little to look at me in the eyes, I felt it in my heart, I loved him so much.

I could see a future life with him, a life where we get married and our gangs join as one, where we have childeren and when we think there old enough that they train to become future leaders.

Where him and I grow old together and we watch our grandchildren grow.

I felt it in my heart, I felt my love for him in my heart, I had butterflies in my stomach, I had a tingling sensation run through my body, my heart beat had sped up.

I love Andy, so much.

We just kind of looked at eachother in the eyes for a minute, he then set his hand on my neck and pulled me in for a kiss, a kiss that was long to miss.

I had ran my fingers through his hair, I then let go and set my head on his chest, "I'm really sorry Andy."

He pulls me over to him closer, "everything is fine now Princess, okay?"

"Okay" I whisper. He moved my hair out of my face, then swiftly moved so that I was laying on the bed beside him, we layed there for the rest of that night alone together, I felt like I just needed to.

We layed there and talked and cuddled and we soon hear everyone going to there rooms to sleep.

Andy and I hushed our voices but still talked on, "I miss KoKo, I hope my nan is taking good care of her" I say and Andy chuckles.

"So she does know about the puppy?"

I roll my eyes, "it's not like I'm going to keep a puppy from her, it's harder then that."

He chuckles, "true."

I look up by the door, "oh my god Andy!" I shreak and hide under the covers and cuddle closer to him, he looks up terrified but then relaxes when he realizes that there's nothing there.

"You suck" he says with a light chuckle.

I peak my head up through the covers, "that's payback from earlier."

He rolls his eyes and laughs, "come up here I miss seeing your beautiful face."

I laugh, "no it's warmer down here, I'm nice and toasty."

He laughs and moves his arms around my waist rubbing, I was soon filled with warmth and tingles.

I cuddle into him more and he chuckles, I could hear his heart beat go faster, I knew he loved me, just from the sound of his heart beat.

And I loved him to.

He kisses me on the top of my head, "goodnight Princess" he spoke before relaxing, stopping the massage.

I crawl up so I wasn't buried in the blankets, I kiss him on the lips, "goodnight charming."

He smiles and we both relaxing holding eachother falling asleep cuddled up together.

We knew the spirits watched us all along, from the fake scaring to the small talk. They seen and heard it all.

Which was fine to an extent, at some point, they'd want us out.

I thought I should make a few chapters just about Jade and Andy.

Favourite ship?

Which could very well be from Alec to Jade to Paisley and Andy, no hold backs here. They don't have to be dating in the book for it to be a ship :)

Mines obviously Andy and Jade.


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