Chapter 9

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My alarm goes off making me wake up. I lazily look up at my clock to see what time it is. 12:00 shit I'm gonna be late! I struggle getting out of my bed, but once I do I quickly run over to Alex's room, who is still sleeping.

"Alex! it's already 12:00 we are gonna meet up at 2:00 hurry up!' I say shaking her as she begins to wake up.

"Omg Mads! go away!" she mutters again going back to sleep. I didn't know what else to do so I removed her blanket and then I grabbed her by her feet and dragged her to the floor. She quickly got up.

"What the heck!" she screams.

"Sorry I had no choice!" I say laughing so hard.

"Whatever at least you got me to wake up." she says trying not to laugh.

The boys invited us to hang out with them so that they can get to know me and Alex a little better, but it would really suck if we got there late, so I tried to make sure that wouldn't happen.

Once we were ready we hopped into Alex's car and headed to the bowling ally where the boys were waiting. They had to rent the bowling ally just so that no fans wouldn't talk to them while bowling.

We got there and all the boys where there waiting outside with big smiles. I hugged all of them except for the love of my life. He opened his arms and I rolled my eyes walking away just trying to get him mad. As I began walking away he grabbed me by my hand pulled me in and kissed me.

"You can't walk away so easily!" he says as we release our kiss. I start giggling and then biting my lip pulling him into another kiss.

I glance over at Joel who is just staring at us with no emotion on his face, I slowly walk over to him and from his emotionless face he forces a little smile. 

"Hey you," I say pushing him in a playful way. 

"Hey Maddie," he responds pushing me back. 

"Just to let you know I'm pretty good at bowling so I would be scared if I was you!" I said joking with him. 

"Oh really ya I doubt that I'm pretty sure I'm going to win but it's ok keep that confidence of yours," he say laughing while looking down at the ground. 

"What's wrong with you?" I finally man up and ask. 

"Have you ever felt so sad that you can't have what you want," he says lifting his head off the ground and staring into my big brown eyes. 

"Wait what do you.." 

"Mads hurry up the game is going to start!" Alex interrupts grasping my hand and pulling me away.

"Alex! I was talking to Joel!" I saying pulling away from her grasp. 

"What were you guys talking about?" I hear a familiar voice hovering over me. I slowly turn around and notice that it was Erick.

"Oh nothing we were just talking about your guys new song and it was really interesting until Alex over here interrupted and didn't let us finish," I say looking over at Alex staring her down. 

Erick begins to laugh pulling me into a hug.

"Come on stop being mad at your sister, instead beat her at the game!" he says with his cute little smile!

I begin to laugh because how could I argue with his cute face! We all walk into the bowling alley. What did Joel mean though I was so confused, I wanted to talk to him again, but I didn't want to ruin everyone's night. 

We were having so much fun Richard was so competitive fighting and making fun of the boys and Zabdiel was so sweet and every time I would go up he would always cheer for me and every time I got a good score he would high-five me. Chris and Alex weren't even playing they were just cuddling and messing around the whole time and they kept trying to mess me up when I would go up. I would look over at Joel and smile and he would smile back, but then he would quickly hide his smile and go back to his miserable self. 

After bowling we went to eat and then they dropped us off at our house. 

"hey when am I going to meet your parents?" Erick whispers into my ear before I get off the car. 

"Hmmmm... what if they don't like you though?" I say teasing him. His face changed completely all worried! It was so cute!!

"I'm joking they are gonna love you." I say giving him a kiss on the cheek, I then walk out the car and head inside my house. 

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