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He woke with a start, tumbling out of the bed he was placed in, hitting the cold hard ground with a loud smack. "Ouch!"

Getting up, he began nursing his bruised area with teary eyes. "Dammit! That hurt!"

He looked to his side, intending to glare at the bed but was instead awashed with surprise when he realized that the intended target wasn't even level to his face.

        It seemed to be a head or two higher.

His recent memories were then revealed to him, reminding him that he had a theory of being smaller than his usual size. Though that didn't explain why he was in a place where everyone seemed to speak nonsense.

        That, and the forest he first woke up in.

He let out a huff, getting off the floor. "For all I know they could just end up talking with some alien language."

The room was quiet. He looked around to see if there was anything of interest, but nothing popped out. Shrugging his disappointment, he decided that the door probably held more interest than anything inside the room he was kept in.

His disappointment for the loss of his games was still stinging, but it wouldn't do any good if he kept moping.

He could always do that in his free time.

Taking another deep breath, he headed for the door, pushing it open while burying the glaring fact that he was almost the same height as the ornate doorknob.

He could mope about that later too.

The hallway that he was met with seemed to be of another world, higher than his middle class family, where everything exuded the phrase of 'rich and elegant'. The difference, between his temporary room and the hallway, was too great that he needed to shut the door in order to stabilize his psych.

It took a while until he was mentally prepared for it.

This time, after taking a deep breath once more, he opened the door more slowly. Successfully making it out of the room he woke up in. Looking both ways, he made the decision on going left.

      Both ways looked endless either way.

Heading down the hallway, his eyes seemed to catch onto the subtle gold decorations blending in with the rich dark wine red wallpaper. He frowned, looking down at the much darker red that dyed the carpet underfoot. "There's too much red..."

He made his way around the various corridors, looking around, and taking in, the whole new environment that surrounded him.

No more games.

No more television.

No Internet.


All over again, he was washed with his previous grief of losing his games that he hadn't noticed where he was going until a light breeze made him look up.

He looked to be in a garden of sorts.

A very Japanese looking garden...

The amount of work put into making the garden, full of green grass, flowers, flowering trees and even a small part being dedicated to a traditional stone garden, was enough to make anyone's head spin. Luckily for him, the breeze was cool enough to keep him together.

He decided that it wouldn't hurt taking a stroll.  At least not physically. The eye-popping colours that were littered everywhere certainly passed the time, and he was more than happy to lose himself in something other than his lost goods.

It almost made him feel that he was the main character of an RPG.

        That certainly was a good thought...

Maybe, he'd be able to pull off this ridiculous loss with an RPG remake... He felt a goofy grin form on his face.

         The thought was exciting!

Looking around the area, he began seeing things in a different light. The garden was not merely a garden, but a magical meadow that contained the Tree of Wisdom, a normal apple tree that happened to be planted in the centre of the whole garden, surrounded by the sunlight that shone through. The stone garden, being all grey and white, was now the Labyrinth of Truth, with the great boulder-like rock at the center being area where a sword like Excalibur would lay hidden, surrounded by many imaginary beasts.

His excitement grew.

The Manor he had come from, behind him, was the Great City where Legendary Heros' rose every Century to defeat the Demon Lord. Grabbing a random twig from the ground, he raised it up in the air, mimicking the act of a Hero in any Medieval set game. "I shall henceforth set forth to perish all Evil that corrupts the land!"

His imagination began to unravel.

So much, making beasts appear left and right, that he didn't notice the footsteps behind him. So absorbed in his plays of being a knightly Hero, he didn't notice his trajectory of collision.

Not until he collided, of course.

"Ow... how many times have I hit myself since coming here?" He muttered, nursing his whatever-number-bruise.

A grunt took his attention.

It was more like it was a cross actually.

Between a snort and a scoff.

Looking up cautiously, just to be sure he didn't bang his sore head on anything else, he was met with a stoic face. The older male looked down on him, and he looked up, both not bothering to initiate anything for some unmeasurable time.

It seemed the man knew.

That he couldn't speak a word of his nonsense.

His attention went back to the stick he was holding, his imagination starting up again. Looking back up at the man, he pointed his sword-stick at him, exclaiming loudly. "You! Come join me in the quest of finding the great and mighty Excalibur so we can finally down the horrid Demon Lord, who has reappeared again!"

He searched around, not minding the look he was given, and found another suitable stick for the man. Quickly making a grab at it, he gave it to the stoic-faced man, placing it right in his hand when he simply stared. He then turned and pointed his stick again. "Now let's head off! Our journey awaits!"

He was already halfway to the forested area, another imaginary area where mystical beasts were known to appear before Heroic individuals.

He stopped to see if the man was following.

He was not.

He stared at the man, an unofficial way of communication he soon found out, and looked at the forest before looking back at the man.

The man seemed to understand as he came forward.

He brightened up, and continued his trek in the forest, with the stoic man in tow.

Hours of imaginary play, where he did most of the jabbing and slaying of the beasts that came in his path to glory, he was soon tuckered out. "The sun is setting, we must find a good place to sleep without all these beasts interfering."

He spotted a good meadow.

Just the right amount of sun.

The right amount of grass.

The right amount of peacefulness.

He went ahead, propped his stick against the lone rock, and sat down on the open meadow. He stared at the man, patting the area next to him. He got the idea, and sat down next to him. He then let himself fall down on the grass and closed his eyes.

Sleep didn't take long to come.

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